陆地神出鬼没使人生畏,却又斑斓多姿惹人联想,它激起了从古到今各类作家丰硕的想象力,成为他们灵感的源泉。从人类文明开端树立之时,陆地就是人类文学的审美对象,而法国的陆地文学直到中世纪才开端鼓起。自此,陆地为法国作家供给了放飞想象的空间,付与他们无尽的创作灵感。陆地意味着辽阔浩大雄壮深奥的空间,也意味着凶恶残酷无所不克不及的力气。在很长的时光里,人们把它看作是一个对人类充斥敌意且风险的存在:远古时代,人们缺少迷信熟悉,把陆地当作天主恼怒的凭证和一个充斥怪兽的深渊;中世纪人们开端熟悉陆地,远洋飞行增多,但风暴和海怪仍无所不在,缭绕人们心头;文艺中兴时代的作家们经由过程他们的著作展现了地舆和帆海常识的提高,但在人们心底,陆地仍幻化莫测难以窥测。19世纪,全部欧洲年夜陆的思惟认识在精英们的引领下抛入熔炉从新铸造,而正在这一汗青时代,法国陆地文学绝后繁华——从米什莱到雨果,从波德莱尔到凡尔纳,作家们开端用分歧以往的眼力对待陆地:陆地不再作为一种异己力气存在,作者经由过程陆地反应出本身或全部人类的思惟信心,陆地成为人类精力的意味。本文把陆地作为一个文学审好意象,旨在研究20世纪前在人类赓续尽力熟悉及驯服陆地的进程中陆地意象在法国文学中的变更,从而剖析这一变更所反应的人类生计状态的演化,人与陆地关系的演化,美学和伦理不雅念及思想措施的演化。 Abstract: Land shadowy daunting, but colorful provoking Lenovo, it aroused the from ancient times to the present writer of rich imagination, become the source of inspiration for them. From the beginning of human civilization, the land is the aesthetic object of human literature, and the French land literature until the Middle Ages began to muster. Since then, the land supply of the imaginative space for the French writer, give them endless creative inspiration. The land means the vast deep space the Hao Zhuang, also means that the fierce cruel omnipotent strength. In a long time, people put it as a on human full of hostility and the existence of risk: in ancient times, people lack scientific knowledge, the land as a proof of God angry and a monster filled abyss; medieval people began to familiar land, flying ocean increased, but storms and sea monsters are still everywhere, filled the hearts and minds of people; writers in the Renaissance era through their works show the improvement of geography and sail the sea of knowledge, but in the hearts of people, land is still unpredictable unreal difficult to decipher. In the 19th century, all thoughts of continental Europe understanding in under the guidance of the elite thrown into the furnace from casting, and is the historical epoch, French land literature unprecedented prosperous -- from Michelet to Victor Hugo, from Baudelaire to Jules Verne, the writers began to use past divergences of eyes towards land: land is no longer as a dissident strength exists, author through the process of terrestrial reactive out itself or all the human thought confidence, land become human energy means. The land as a literature review, good image, to research in the 20th century before human continuously try to familiar and tame the land in the process of land imagery in French literature changes. In order to analyze the evolution of the change of the reaction of the human's living conditions and the evolution of the relationship between man and land, aesthetic and ethical concept and ideological method evolution. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 法文摘要 7-9 INTRODUCTION-L'HOMME ET LA MER 9-16 CHAPITRE Ⅰ LA MER DE L'ANTIQUITE ET DU MOYENAGE:UN ESPACE INCONNU 16-36 1.1 DES ORIGINES DE LA LITTERATURE MARITIME 16-25 1.1.1 La Bible 16-18 1.1.2 La Haute Antiquite 18-19 1.1.3 Les mythes antiques 19-25 1.2 LES DEBUTSs DE LA LITTERATURE MARITIME EN FRANCE AU MOYEN AGE 25-36 1.2.1 Les progres techniques et la litterature scientifique au Moyen Age 25-31 1.2.2 Les debuts de la litterature maritime en France 31-36 CHAPITRE Ⅱ LA MER DE LA RENAISSANCE:UN ESPACEMONSTRUEUX ET MERVEILLEUX 36-48 2.1 LA RENAISSANCE ET LES GRANDES DECOUVERTES 37-39 2.2 LA MER DE LA RENAISSANCE 39-48 CHAPITRE Ⅲ LA MER DU XIX~E SIECLE:UN ESPACEFASCINANT 48-70 3.1 L'EUROPE AU XIX~E SIECLE 48-49 3.2 LA AER LYRIQUE DE JULES MICHELET 49-55 3.3 LES MERS DE VICTOR HUGO 55-63 3.4 LA MER DE CHARLES BAUDELAIRE 63-70 CONCLUSION 70-73 BIBLIOGRAPHIE 73-77 REMERCIEMENTS 77-78 个人简历 78 发表的学术论文 78-79 |