当今法国约有五十万华裔华人,使之成为欧洲年夜陆上华裔华人最多的国度。华裔华人客居法国,同时带去了中国的说话、修建与风俗,这曾经是在向法国人展现中国文明;另外,一些旅法华裔华人更是无意识地在法国流传中国文明并尽力推进中法文明交换。法国华人族群的三年夜支柱一华人社团、汉文报刊和汉文黉舍,连同出色的华人代表一路组成了增进中法文明交换这一过程的重要力气。法国华人社团、汉文报刊和汉文黉舍会按期举行各类文明运动来向法国国民展现中国文明。另外,在主要的日子,好比春节或是中法文明年之际,法语论文范文,它们也会积极投入到各类文明交换运动中。它们的各种尽力有益于保持中国文明在本地华人社会的延续,也使得法国国民可以或许亲自懂得中国文明并与之停止直接互动。法国华人社会中的某些著名人士对中法文明交换起着很年夜的积极感化,这要归功于他们在各自范畴的造诣及优越荣誉。但是,今朝仍存在一些挑衅。融入成绩、与中国文明的逐渐冷淡和各类文明创举本身的缺点下降了旅法华裔华人增进中法文明交换的效力。是以,法语论文范文,对他们而言,尽可能融入法国社会、坚持对中国文明的酷爱和增长与中国相干机构的协作是更好地办事于中法文明交换的可行措施。 Abstract: Today, there are about five hundred thousand Chinese ethnic Chinese in France, making it the largest in Europe. Ethnic Chinese residing in France, and to the Chinese speaking, built and customs, which used to be in to show the French Chinese civilization; in addition, some tour ethnic Chinese is unconsciously in France spread the Chinese civilization and try to promote the Sino French cultural exchange. The three pillars of ethnic Chinese in France, a Chinese associations, Chinese newspapers and Chinese school, together with the excellent Chinese on behalf of a road formed promote Sino French cultural exchange important strength of this process. French Chinese community, Chinese newspapers and Chinese School happen regularly held all kinds of civilization movement to the French national show of Chinese civilization. In addition, in the main days, like the Spring Festival or the occasion of the Sino French cultural year, they will actively invest in various types of cultural exchanges. Their various efforts to maintain the continuity of Chinese civilization in the local Chinese society, but also makes the French people can personally understand the Chinese civilization and the direct interaction with it. Some famous Chinese in the Chinese society of the Sino French cultural exchange has played a very active role, which should be attributed to their achievements in their respective areas and superior honor. However, there are still some challenges. Into the results, with the disadvantage of Chinese civilization gradually cool and different civilizations initiative itself down the Chinese Chinese in France to enhance effectiveness of Sino French cultural exchange. For them, as far as possible into the French society, to adhere to the love and growth of Chinese civilization and the cooperation of China's relevant agencies is a better way to work in the Sino French cultural exchange. 目录: Résumé 2-3 摘要 3 Remerciements 4-5 Table des matières 5-6 Introduction 6-9 Chapitre 1 Les définitions autour des Chinois d’outre-mer et leur histoire migratoire 9-13 1.1 Les définitions autour des Chinois d’outre-mer 9-10 1.2 L’histoire migratoire de la diaspora chinoise 10-13 Chapitre 2 Le panorama de la communauté chinoise en France 13-18 2.1 L’histoire migratoire chinoise en direction de la France 13-15 2.2 La communauté chinoise en France à l’époque contemporaine 15-18 2.2.1 La répartition des Chinois d’outre-mer en France 16 2.2.2 Les activités principales des Chinois résidant en France 16-18 Chapitre 3 Le r le de la communauté chinoise contemporaine en France dans l’échange culturel sino-fran ais 18-36 3.1 Les associations chinoises en France 18-24 3.1.1 L’histoire des associations chinoises en France 18-20 3.1.2 Leur contribution à l’échange culturel sino-fran ais 20-24 3.2 Les instituts de chinois en France 24-27 3.2.1 L’origine des instituts de chinois en France 24-25 3.2.2 Leur contribution à l’échange culturel sino-fran ais 25-27 3.3 Les presses chinoises en France 27-32 3.3.1 L’histoire des presses chinoises en France 27-28 3.3.2 Leur contribution à l’échange culturel sino-fran ais 28-32 3.4 La contribution des individus 32-36 Chapitre 4 Les défis et les propositions 36-47 4.1 Les défis 36-42 4.1.1 Le problème d’intégration 36-39 4.1.2 L’éloignement de la culture chinoise 39-40 4.1.3 Les défauts internes des activités culturelles de la communautéchinoise en France 40-42 4.2 Les propositions 42-47 4.2.1 Faciliter l’intégration 42-43 4.2.2 Rayonner la culture chinoise au sein de la communauté 43-45 4.2.3 Encourager la coopération 45-47 Conclusion 47-49 Bibliographie 49-51 Annexe 51-57 附件 57 |