Time for Washington to Take a Realistic Look at China Policy(四)(2)[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08

  2.For example,see Michael Swaine ,"Reverse Course?The Fragile Turnaroundin U.S.-China Relations ,"Policy Brief,Carnegie Endowment for InternationalPeace ,Vol.22,February 2003,
See also Evan Medieros and M.Taylor Fravel ,"China‘s New Diplomacy ,"Foreign Affairs ,November/December 2003,pp.22-35.

  3.Colin L.Powell,"Remarks at the Elliott School of International Affairs,"George Washington University,法语毕业论文,Washington ,D.C.,September 5,2003,

  4.Press release,"President Bush Welcomes Premier of China to the White House,"White House ,December 9,2003,

  5.Colin Powell ,"Remarks at Asia Society Annual Dinner ,"New York City ,June 10,2002,

  6.Steven Mufson,"China Tells U.S.It Will Share Information,"The WashingtonPost,September 22,2001,p.A30.For the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman‘scomments,see Zhu Bangzao,"Waijiaobu Fayanren Zhu Bangzao Zai Jizhe Zhaodaihuishang Da Jizhe Wen"(Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhu Bangzao responses to reporters‘questions at press conference ),Ministry of Foreign Affairs,People‘s Republicof China,September 25,2001,at

  7.John Pomfret ,"China Offers Help ——With Conditions ,"The WashingtonPost,September 18,2001,p.A8.Pomfret quotes Zhu saying ,"The United Stateshas asked China to provide assistance in the fight against terrorism.China ,bythe same token,has reasons to ask the United States to give its support and understandingin the fight against terrorism and separatists.We should not have double standards."Zhu went on to say that the United States and China had "common interests"in fightingTaiwan independence activists ,who present the main threat to stability acrossthe Taiwan Strait.However,when pressed on whether U.S.opposition to Taiwan independencewould be a condition for China‘s support in fighting terrorism,Zhu insisted thatit "is a different issue,we are not making bargains here."Chinese Foreign MinisterTang Jiaxuan also denied that China was making such a link.Tang Jiaxuan,"ChinaIs Also a Victim of Terrorist Attacks ,"interview ,The Washington Post,September22,2001.Zhu "rebuked reports in the Washington Post"that asserted he had madesuch a link.Zheng Min,"APEC Meeting to Promote Regional Economy,"China Daily,September 21,2001,p.A1.However ,in an apparent contradiction of ForeignMinister Tang‘s comments,Zhang Mingqing ,China‘s top spokesman on Taiwan issues,told a press conference on September 26that the linkage of Chinese support forthe U.S.anti-terrorism campaign and continued U.S.arms sales to Taiwan "shouldstill be examined."Agence France-Presse,"Beijing Stance on Arms Sales,US SupportUnclear ,"Taipei Times,September 27,2001,
at taipeitimes.com/chnews/2001/09/27/story/0000104681.

