Time for Washington to Take a Realistic Look at China Policy(五)[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08

   33.For an expanded discussion of China‘s support for North Korea‘s nucleardiplomacy ,see John J.Tkacik ,Jr.,"Getting China to Support a DenuclearizedNorth Korea ,"Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No.1678,August 25,2003,

  34.Private conversation with U.S.government officials.


  36.David E.Sanger ,"U.S.Said to Shift Approach in Talks with North Korea,"The New York Times ,September 5,2003.

  37.Joseph Kahn ,"Chinese Aide Says U.S.Is Obstacle in Korean Talks,"TheNew York Times,September 2,2003,

  38.Colin L.Powell ,"Remarks with Republic of Korea‘s Minister of ForeignAffairs and Trade Yoon Young-Kwan After Their Meeting ,"U.S.Department of State,September 3,2003.The Chinese Foreign Ministry also claimed to know nothing ofWang Yi‘s remarks.See Ministry of Foreign Affairs,People‘s Republic of China ,"Foreign Ministry Spokesperson‘s Press Conference ,"September 2,2003,"

  39.Private conversation with U.S.government officials.

  40.That China offered more aid is mentioned in "Wu Bangguo Chengnuo Xu YuanBei Han"(Wu Bangguo commits more aid to North Korea),The World Journal(in Chinese),October 30,2003,p.2.According to private conversations with U.S.governmentofficials and Japanese journalists in Washington,it was conditioned on Japanesesilence on the abductees issue.

  41.Conversations with U.S.government officials.

  42.Philip P.Pan ,"China Deploys Troops on N.Korea Border ,"The WashingtonPost,September 16,2003,法语论文,p.A13,
See also "Review &Outlook:Tightening the Screws on Kim ,"The Wall Street Journal,September 17,2003,
at online.wsj.com/article/0SB106374977379016100,00.html.

  43."Jong Hoon Kim Overview of the North Korean Energy Sector ,"U.S.Departmentof Commerce ,US&FCS Market Research Reports ,International Market Insight ,IMI 102193,December 18,2000.

  44.Testimony before Committee on Foreign Relations ,U.S.Senate,September11,2003,in verbatim transcript ,"U.S.Senator Richard G.Lugar (R-IN)HoldsHearing on Relations with China ,"prepared by Federal Document Clearing House.

  45.John Pomfret,"U.S.,法语毕业论文,N.Korea Meet,Discuss Nuclear Arms ,Both SidesStake Out Uncompromising Positions,"The Washington Post ,August 27,2003,

  46.Associated Press,"N Korea Urges Initial Nuclear Deal,Wants Aid,"TaipeiTimes ,December 10,2003,p.5,

  47.Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough,"Inside the Ring :China-North KoreaAxis,"The Washington Times,December 12,2002,p.A6.

  48.George Tenet,Director ,Central Intelligence Agency,testimony in hearing,Worldwide Threat to U.S.Interests,Committee on Armed Services,U.S.Senate,March 19,2002,transcribed by Federal News Service(italics added )。

  49.Shirley A.Kan,"China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destructionand Missiles:Policy Issues,"Congressional Research Service,updated October22,2002,RL31555,p.5,

  50.U.S.China Economic and Security Review Commission,China‘s ProliferationPractices and the North Korean Nuclear Crisis ,hearing,July 24,2003,pp.7-31,


  52.Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough,"Inside the Ring :Iran‘s Missile Boats,"The Washington Times,May 17,2002,p.A7.

  53.Danny Gittings,"Battling the Bribers,"The Asian Wall Street Journal ,October 29,2002,p.18.See also David E.Sanger and James Dao,"A NuclearNorth Korea :Intelligence :U.S.Says Pakistan Gave Technology to North Korea,"The New York Times,October 18,2002,p.A1.A compelling case that the Pakistanishipment transited Chinese military bases is made by Edward Timperlake and WilliamC.Triplett II,"N.Korea,Pakistan ,China,"The Washington Times,December8,2002,

  54.Kan ,"China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles,"p.14.As this paper was going to press ,Libya announced that it would scrapits nuclear weapons program.

  55.The sanctions are published in "Bureau of Nonproliferation;Impositionof Nonproliferation Measures on an Entity in China,Including a Ban on U.S.GovernmentProcurement ,"Federal Register,Vol.68,No.100(May 23,2003),pp.28314-28315.See also Guy Dinmore,"US imposes new sanctions on China ,"Financial Times ,May 222003,at news.ft.com.

  56.David E.Sanger ,"U.S.Penalizes 6Asian Firms for Helping Iran Arm Itself,"The New York Times,July 4,2003,p.A1.

  57.Richard Boucher ,Daily Press Briefing ,U.S.Department of State ,Washington,D.C.,July 31,2003,

  58.Bill Gertz,"U.S.Tags China with Stiff Penalties,"The Washington Times,September 19,2003,p.A18.

  59.Central Intelligence Agency ,Unclassified Report to Congress on the Acquisitionof Technology Relating to Weapons of Mass Destruction and Advanced ConventionalMunitions :1January Through 30June 2002,March 1,2003,
