Time for Washington to Take a Realistic Look at China Policy(五)(2)[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08

  60.In addition to articles cited in Kan,"China and Proliferation of Weaponsof Mass Destruction and Missiles,"footnote 10,see Glenn Kessler,"Pakistan‘sN.Korea Deals Stir Scrutiny,Aid to Nuclear Arms Bid May Be Recent,"The WashingtonPost,November 13,2002,p.A1;Bill Gertz ,"North Korea Can Build NukesRight Now ,"The Washington Times,November 22,2002,p.A1;and David E.Sanger,"In North Korea and Pakistan ,Deep Roots of Nuclear Barter ,"The NewYork Times,November 24,2002,p.A1,

  61.Bill Gertz,"CIA Shifts on North Korean Nukes,"The Washington Times,July 4,2003,

  62.For an expanded discussion,see John J.Tkacik ,Jr.,"Decision Day Loomsover North Korea,"The Asian Wall Street Journal ,July 17,2003,
at online.wsj.com/article/0SB105839894625819400,00.html.
 63.Jing-Dong Yuan,"Sino-US Military Relations Since Tiananmen:Restoration,Progress,and Pitfalls ,"Parameters,U.S.Army War College,Spring 2003.

  64.Erik Eckholm,"China Complains About U.S.Surveillance Ship,"The NewYork Times,September 27,2002,p 13.See also Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough,"Chinese Harass Ship,"The Washington Times,September 20,2002,
In June 2001,a Chinese frigate "locked and loaded ,"obliging the unarmed Bowditchto depart the area.See Tammy Kupperman ,"U.S.,China in New Naval Dispute ,"MSNBC ,September 19,2002.

  65.Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough,"Inside the Ring :Chinese Intercepts,"The Washington Times ,April 11,2003,at

