一、快速浏览,抓住短文主旨大意 阅读是短文改错的首要条件,拿到语篇快速浏览一遍,读懂句与句之间的逻辑关系,法语论文,了解整篇文章的大意。短文改错在高考中是语篇难度不大、语法结构和词汇都较浅的一种题型,故抓住短文的大意并不难。例如1999年高考短文改错: The Problem with Television Now I can‘t watch much television but a few years ago 86.____ I used to watch it every night.I was often 87.____ a little tired after a day‘s work and watch TV 88.____ demands very little effort.Unfortunate,there are 89.____ too many people among my family.Some wanted 90.____ to see the programme while others preferred 91.____ another.I am happy with any programme but 92.____ the others spent a lot time arguing and there 93.____ was no way of settling the matter except by 94.____ selling the set.Now someone at home reads instead. 95.____ 短文主旨一目了然,即"The Problem with Television"。尽管过去经常看电视,可现在由于种种原因彻底放弃电视,故第86题中much是多余的,去掉much才符合短文所表达的意思。第95题最后一行"someone"改成"everyone"或"everybody",解决"problem"的唯一途径是卖掉电视机,从而导致一家人的习惯改变,每个人茶余饭后都只能靠看书来打发时光。这样文章前后呼应,一气呵成,紧紧围绕文章中的"The Problem。" 像这种短文改错,只要有一定的阅读能力,就能具备清晰地把握文字信息的能力,语篇改错得分随之提高。但平时的短文改错训练中,学生往往只拘泥于逐句逐词的语法、时态、意义改错。老师也往往侧重于细节错误的解释说明,忽略阅读在改错中的地位,大量的训练但“事倍功半”。所以平时要广泛涉猎形形色色的文章,实质性地提高判断、归纳、推理能力。那么,短文改错就能既快又准。 二、上下连接中掌握和理解语篇 阅读语篇中理清段落之间、句子与句子之间的逻辑关系,尤其是句子与句子之间的连接词能有效地过渡句子、段落,使文章内容承前启后,上下转折,表达不同的语气、思想内容和逻辑关系。因此,短文改错中绝对不能忽视上下文中的过渡词。这类改错题在历年高考中屡见不鲜。例如2002年高考试题: Last week my parents and I took a twoday trip to Emei Mountainin Sichuan.As everyone knows,it‘s famous mountain with 76.____ all kinds of plants. The weather was fine. It was about 77.____ noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain. The three of them 78.____ were very excited. As we climbed the mountain, we 79.____ fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories. On the way 80.____ up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so 81.____ beautiful. The time passes quickly. Evening came 82.____ down. We spent the night in a hotel at the top of the mountain. 83.____ The food was expensive and the service was good. I was 84.____ so tired that I fell asleep at the momet my head touched the pillow. 85.____ 78题一经阅读发觉该句中漏掉了过渡词"when","when"引导时间状语从句;第84题中谈到食物贵但服务棒,故"and"必须改为"but"。这种例子几乎在历年高考改错题中出现。语篇理解在改错中难度较大,要求考生在阅读的基础上,法语论文,对全文有一个全面综合的了解,如果学生只拘泥于从局部考虑或着眼于语言知识,则很容易忽视问题、漏掉错误。大凡这种题,无论从语法上或词汇上都无懈可击,只有着眼于语篇,错误便浮出水面。 又如79题:…The three of them were very excited.As we climbed the mountain we fed monkeys.… 该句子的错误只有从上下文联系中才能体会到。文章叙述我和我父母去四川峨嵋山游览的情景,第一人称叙述, 1 |