
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08

  摘 要:任务阅读教学是以实际语言教学为理论基础的,是交际教学的一种课程模式,也是众多交际教学大纲模式中最强调语言教师和语言学习者自主性的新型教学模式。针对任务阅读教学在高中 法语 课堂实践展开讨论,包括教学过程设计、实践内容、实践措施与优点评价。
  1 高中法语课堂任务型阅读教学的过程设计
  1.1 阅读前(Pre-reading)
  (1)用猜测指示进行word guessing活动:如让学生自己预习课文的单词后再重复地读单词,未免枯燥,法语论文范文,教师可把新单词板书在黑板上让学生在认读过程中在心里把中文意思联系起来,再由教师解释,或先制好纸条由学生解释,让学生找出其正确的单词。如在Charlie Chaplin一课,教师读:Move from side to side,让学生找出黑板上的swing;Look carefully in order to find something,学生找出search.
  (2)利用图片让学生猜测文章内容:教学No Smoking一课时可设问What can you see in the picture?(Mother,her child,arid a cigarette)What does the picture mean(It means that smoking is bad for the health of your family.)Can you translate the slogan?What will the article talk about?Smoking and your health,or why we can’t smoke?What’s the result of smoking? 这样先从图片入手让学生猜测课文内容,为下一步阅读课文做了兴趣上的铺垫,学生会急于知道文章到底要谈什么,是否预测对了,他们会集中注意力去确认或修正预测。
  (3)利用文章标题让学生猜测文章内容和背景知识:教学Charlie Chaplin时,可以让学生谈谈对于卓别林的一些背景知识:Who is he?Where was he born?When did he become famous?What’re his famous films?How can you recognize him?这样一谈使 Charlie Chaplin的形象生动起来,法语论文题目,从而减轻文章的阅读难度。
  (4)利用亲身感受去猜测联想文章的内容:在教学前设计一些与学生亲身经历有关的问题,使他们有话可说,或对教师所提问题进行思索。有一篇课外阅读:What do Colors Mean?在读之前提问:What colors do you like best? Advertisers use colors to influence our behavior. Do you believe they can change our behavior just by using different colors? 这样一来他们会觉得读文章是与自己休戚相关的事情,是在掌握一些生活常识,而不是教师布置的阅读任务,他们会马上变被动为主动。
  1.2 阅读中(While-reading)
  阅读过程是阅读的中心环节,笔者在这里提倡“快速阅读”Fast Reading.在快速阅读中我们常给出True or False的一些句子,帮助学生快速掌握文章大意。如:教学Charlie Chaplin这一课时可让学生在4~5分钟内迅速阅读课文,然后让学生判断下列句子是否正确:1)Charlie Chaplin was a British funny actor;2)He began to act in films as,a result of meeting with a famous director in the USA;3)His later films are more popular than his early ones;4)He didn’t act on the stage until his graduation.
  1.3 阅读后(Post-reading)
  在对文章理解后能拓宽思维,使学生的学习从维持性学习向自由创新性学习转变,从接受性学习向探讨性学习过渡。如上文的The Lost Necklace在结尾时给出这样一个问题:What would Jeanne do and what would happen to Mathilde after they knew the truth?学生通过思考会有很多不同的结尾法,如:S1:Jeanne returned the money to Mathilde and from then onMathilde lived a happy life by hard work;S2:Jeanne felt sorry for her. Jeanne decided to sell diamond necklace and give the money to Mathilde. From then on Mathilde lived a happy life……
  (1)解决问题任务活动:学生联系课文,结合实际解决问题。如学完BII Unit 9 Saving the Earth. 设问: A person of Great Determination,在阅读后笔者设计了这样的任务:What do you think of WiHart? If you were the little boy or the captain in the text,what would you do when you meet with such difficulties?
  (2)罗列型任务活动:阅读后,常用来引导学生根据本课所学的内容,把本单元或前几单元或前几册相似的知识有机地联系起来,得出一些 规律 性的东西。如学了BII中的Gandhi一课后,T:In senior books,we’ve learned many texts about famous people besides Gandhi. Who are these famous people?S:Karl Marx,Abraham Lincoln,Walt Disney,Charlie Chaplin,Albert Einstein,Martin Luther King,Madame Curie etc. T:How did they become successful?学生又会罗列出他们的许多共同之处,这样使学生在温习以往课文的同时又深化了情感体验。
  2 高中法语课堂任务型阅读教学的实践内容
  2.1 目标(go1as)

