
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:2007年3月.44位用法语写作的作家联合签署“向法语世界文学’挺进”的宣言,宣布法语“世界文学”的诞生.激起各界关于法语图文学的重新审视。法语“世界文学”概念的出现,是对语言、文学和民族的再度深入诠释,还是新瓶装旧酒,只是简单的类型替换?本文从该宣言产生的背景出发,界定法语文学、法语世界文学、法语外国文学等概念,略论它们之间的差异以及宣言和同名文集中所体现出的模糊性.解读法语文学“世界”视角下的中心偏移问题及难以避免的法国性.研讨文学整体统一化和多元化和谐共生的可能。法语“世界文学”应势而出,法语论文范文,投石问路,法语论文题目,它的理论依据、发展前景仍有待深研。In March 2007, a manifesto entitled "Pour la litt6rature-monde en fran~ais", signed by 44 writers who write in French, announced the birth of the concept of "world lit- erature" in French. It provoked many comments and re-examinations on French literature. The concept of world literature, is it a deep interpretation of the language, the literature and the nation? Or just "old wine in a new bottle", a simple replacement of types? This article distinguishes the notions of French literature, world-literature in French, from Fran- cophone literature ; analyzes their similarities and differences, ambiguities and contradictions in the manifesto and the volume of the same title; interprets the question of the "center" in the vision of the "world"; discusses the possibility of the coexistence of literary globalization and diversification, as well as the perspective of "World literature in French".
