摘 要:民办高校法语系普遍十分重视学生活动平台的建设,但是在活动形式上和公立学校法语系有着较大的实质性,在和公立学校竞争时也处于劣势。因此需要结合学校特色,利用新媒体构建较为系统的学生活动平台,营造浓厚的体验式学习环境,以提高学生的学习兴趣。French majors of private colleges and universities attach a great importance to students' activity platform construction,but their activities have a similarity to public universities, and have always been the underdog in student French competitions.It's necessary to combine with university particularity and new media for a systematical platform and construct a strong experiential learning environment, for improving the students' learning interest.,法语论文网站,法语论文 |