
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:语言与文化密不可分,法语教学离不开文化的教学,同时,日新月异的信息技术,为法语教学和跨文化交际提供了一个多元化的平台,整合各种信息技术而成的“活书”,关于丰富教学手段、提高教学效率,具有重要影响.新时期中国外语教育,尤其是法语作为小语种应该肩负怎样的时代使命?如何推进法语教育信息化进程与小语种人才培养?如何实现我国跨文化教育的能力?针对此从跨文化交际的层面来关照法语教学,旨在研讨如何使现代信息技术传播与文化信息传播更加完美、更加贴切地融合到大学法语的教学之中.Language and culture are closely related. So is the French language teaching. At the new era, we should focus more on the French language teaching from the perspective of the cross-cultural communication. Meanwhile, the updating information technology has provided a diversified platform for the French language teaching. It is a very "useful book" with a combination of different kinds of information technology. And it also functions a lot to enrich the teaching methods and to raise the teaching efficiency.
