
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:结构被动意义被动作为汉语、英语及法语中的共性语言及文化现象在表达中的应用各有特点。施动者明显或不明显的结构被动在汉语、英语及法语中均广泛存在。汉语通过一些实质上含有被动之意的动作却更适合用含有意义被动功能的主动语态的形式来表达意义被动,英语的意义被动与不及物动词或反身代词的使用相关,法语动词的自反式施动关系密切关联意义被动。结构被动和意义被动可被视为汉语、英语及法语中的特征性语言现象,法语论文网站法语论文范文,在不同文化思维的支配下,三种语言对被动意义的表达形式各有选择。亦由语言的功能形态、构成形态、语义及语用的角度研讨了被动意义在三种语言中的对应性比较关系。Structural passivity and sense passivity differ as a shared linguistic and cultural phenomenon in Chinese, English and French. Structural passivity containing explicit or implicit agent widely exist in these three languages. In Chinese, sense passivity is expressed by the use of those verbs which have a sense of passivity but are more likely to be used in active voice with passive function. English sense passivity is related to the use of intransitive verbs or reflexive pronouns, while in French, sense passivity is closely related to self-reflexive use of verbs. Structural passivity and sense passivity can be seen as one linguistic characteristic in these three languages. In corresponding to different cultural thinking patterns, different choices of modes can be discovered to express sense passivity in the three languages. This paper also compares sense passivity between the three languages from semantic and pragmatic perspective, and from the perspective of linguistic functional patterns and structural patterns.
