
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:本文从人才培养目标、师资建设、课程设置、教学科研与国际合作等方面梳理了西南、华中地区高校法语系教学近况,法语毕业论文,并结合这两个地区高校法语教学中存在的问题,提出了如下改进设想:以教育思想的转变和教育观念的更新为先导,以学科发展和师资队伍建设为核心,以培养复合性运用型国际化人才为专业发展方向,法语论文网站,以课程建设和教学改革为发展突破口,以教育教学投入和国际交流与合作为助推力。This paper looks at the status quo of the French major in Southwest and Central China universities, particularly its objective for student development, teacher development, curriculum, teaching and research, and international cooperation. The existing problems are also singled out and are suggested to be coped with by changing its educational philosophy, aiming at developing personnel with versatile practical skills fit for the "international arena", taking discipline and teacher development as the core, curriculum development and pedagogical innovation as the breakthrough and educational input and international cooperation as the driving force.
