
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:本文利用语音实验和统计略论的措施,按照元音格局的略论思路,对第一外语为英语的中国学生第二外语法语元音发音进行实验略论,考察母语和第一外语在第二外语学习过程中迁移影响。探讨发现,母语和第一外语都会对第二外语的元音发音产生迁移影响,母语的迁移影响大于第一外语,这种迁移影响的不同与母语、第一外语系统的本质有关;第一外语和母语一样,也可形成"一对一"和"一对二"的迁移模式。Following the idea of vowel pattern,we designed an experiment on the pronunciation of French vowels articulated by Chinese students whose first foreign language is English and second foreign language is French.The aim of the study is to investigate the transfer of mother tongue and the first foreign language during the process of learning a second foreign language.The result indicates that although both of them can influence the pronunciation of vowels of the second foreign language,the mother tongue exhibits more effect than the first foreign language.This difference lies in the nature of these two language systems.Moreover,the result reveals that,similar as the effect of mother tongue,single phoneme of the first foreign language can also influence one or two phonemes of the second foreign language,that is,the "one to one" and "one to two" modes in the transfer of the first foreign language.
