
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:从最初为解决“说谎者悖论”作为区别“对象语言”(object language)(Tarski,1936)的工具语言到现在,人们对元语言的探讨已经突破了逻辑学,进入许多新的科学领域,法语毕业论文,如语言学、文学理论、认知科学、教育学等。在以教授语言为目的的外语课堂中,元语言扮演着特殊而重要的角色。本文的目的不是阐述教学领域中的元语言理论,而是从真实的课堂出发,完整地观察课堂进展,然后从语用学角度对外语教师的元语言行为进行归类与略论,法语论文题目,从而观察它所起到的教学功能。Metalanguage was initially studied as an answer to "the liar's paradox" and an language different from the "object language" (Tarski, 1936). Nowadays, researches on metalanguage are no longer limited to the domain of logic but have integrated into many new scientific fields, such as linguistics, literature, pedagogics and cognitive theory. Metalanguage plays a very important role in foreign language teaching classes, which have language teaching as the essential objective. The present paper is not to explore how this pure theory is applied in teaching field but is focused on a analysis of the didactical function of this special type of language through observing the process of real foreign language classes and analyzing teachers discourse.
