
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



The 1970s and 1980s, Marx profound analysis of Russia in the meantime of social conflict, Russia out of date to pointed out a under certain conditions can owe Heng in the capitalism Kaftin Canyon "way: in Russia reactionary, outside the East without sponsorship of the middle class. In the proletarian internationalist cooperative principle, Russia will be able to go free capitalist way, directly into the socialist construction. Of socialism in the Soviet Union set up, so that once the people played down the actual predictions of the theoretical results confirmed; when the arms of the Soviet Union and Eastern Backward capitalism, people on the actual achievement stop arguing. Study the nature, Marx's thought about "illogical" capitalist Kafting Valley has two fundamental points: first, the socialist society can only be set up on the capitalist advanced productive forces. The application and productivity and production relationship conflict activities that human society development history materialism completely different discipline. Second, under the specific historical conditions, if behind plain near family may directly apply advanced ethnic productivity premise, they can not repeatedly capitalist growth. In accordance with the understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the context of economic globalization, of flourishing country productivity study and application, very large extent content Marx on "beyond the theory" the fundamental premise, is the actual in the new period under the premise of theory.


内容摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   前言   6-9       (一) 选题意义   6       (二) 探讨近况   6-8       (三) 论文的创新与难点   8-9   一、马克思跨越资本主义“卡夫丁峡谷”思想的解析   9-20       (一) “跨越”问题的提出   9-11       (二) 马克思恩格斯的略论总结   11-14       (三) 我对马克思跨越资本主义“卡夫丁峡谷”的解析   14-20   二、中国社会主义实践对马克思跨越资本主义“卡夫丁峡谷”思想的发展   20-33       (一) 中国现实社会主义实践与马克思跨越论的反差   20-25       (二) 中国“跨越”方式的历史地位   25-33   三、全球化对中国“跨越”实践的挑战   33-35       (一) 政治上的和平演变   33       (二) 经济上的不平等互利   33-34       (三) 文化上的渗透   34-35   四、抓住全球化机遇,在现代化的建设中实现成功跨越   35-39       (一) 抓住全球化机遇的可能性   35-36       (二) 抓住全球化机遇的现实性   36-39   总结   39-40   参考文献   40-43   后记   43  
