
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Nikolai przhevalsky is Russia famous geographer and Central Asia Home appraisal, he in 1870 - 1885 had four times led the team in Central Asia to stop the assessment of tourism and is to achieve the rich geography and humanities research results, for the Russian collected a large number of espionage. After the stop sightseeing, Nikolai przhevalsky rectification Book Coherent j-men work. These travel diary of his works to our familiar with over a hundred years ago the regional natural ecology and humanities landscape indecent with must be sponsored, in a certain level make up for the lack of international literature records, still have certain academic value. However, the travels of Prejevalsky has a colonial color, this is also worthy of attention. After colonizing doctrine is the 20th century, 70 years drum originated from Western academics a has intense political and cultural criticism of the academic trend of thought of color. The relationship between the discourse analysis approach to study the suzerain and former colonial near earth and was all imperialist influence of civilization. Nikolai przhevalsky travel diary of colonizing color make itself become a colonial nearly "save the object of attention and research. Nikolai przhevalsky exposition to European civilization as intermediate, looking at the Asian civilizations, domestication, binary confrontation and sum up this method create savvy and cunning, brave, greedy Asians abstraction and dilapidated, behind, corruption, looking for redemption of Asian abstract, victory by "other" by western discourse completion of the self positioning, to Europe and Asia into confrontation. However, his binary confrontation discusses methods, he in the travel diary to build the East West High low type great difference and he intends to neglect the Chinese civilization rail is a reaction of the mentality of his European centrist. In addition, Poole Gevalls also to he in the travel diary to build the East West High low type great difference for the reason put forward civilization is hosted by the colonial past recommendations, such, near his colonial thoughts in his European centrist mentality and hosting of civilization thought won the best performance. Nikolai przhevalsky colonial nearly thought is 70 years in the 19th century the European powers of area of Ministry of our country southeast Kay scouts, tsarist Russia expand traditional, Alexander II positive foreign policy of expanding, European explorers of the colonial nearly emotion and Prejevalsky Te other identity identity fully CO under the action of, his this kind of Colonial nearly thought on Russian society has certain influence.


摘要   6   俄文摘要   7-9   目录   9-11   正文   11-82   参考文献   82-86   附录   86-87  
