摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 俄罗斯与中国邻接而居,它与中国在政治、经济等方面都有着千丝万缕的接洽。固然今朝中俄两国演进的途径和目的形式年夜不雷同,然则我国同俄罗斯联邦已经有过雷同的认识形状和社会轨制。特殊是我国的司法轨制在相当长的一段时光内深受苏联的作用,中国逝世刑轨制就是在进修和自创苏联逝世刑轨制的基本上树立起来的。近几年俄罗斯积极努力于参加欧盟组织,在逝世刑轨制及政策等成绩上要与欧盟坚持分歧,是以俄罗斯对本国逝世刑轨制停止了周全的改造。招致中俄两国逝世刑轨制发生伟大的差别,惹起两国在国际引渡轨制中的抵触。清除中俄两国引渡协作的壁垒,是今朝两国在刑事司法协作范畴中所要配合面临的一个主要成绩。另外,研究中俄逝世刑轨制,对于中国与俄罗斯中亚五国之间区域性的司法协作与交换也将会发生深远的作用。本文运用比拟的办法,经由过程回想中俄两国逝世刑轨制的汗青,俄语论文范文,商量中俄两国现行逝世刑轨制的差别,俄语论文网站,追求两国在国际刑事司法协助中的有用协作门路。 Abstract: Russia and China adjacent to the home, it and China in the political, economic and other aspects are inextricably linked. Although the current evolution of the way and the purpose of the two countries are not identical, but our country with the Russian Federation has had the same understanding of shape and social system. Special is our country's judicial system in a very long period of time by the influence of the Soviet Union, China's death penalty system is in the study and create the Soviet Union's death penalty system is basically set up. In recent years, Russia actively working hard to participate in the European Union organization, in the death of the system and policies and so on to the EU to adhere to differences, is to Russia on the death of the system to stop the comprehensive reform of the system. China and Russia have led to the death of a great difference between the two countries, the two countries in the international system of extradition in the conflict. To eliminate the barriers to cooperation between China and Russia, is a major achievement in the field of criminal justice cooperation between the two countries. In addition, the study of the death penalty system between China and Russia on the regional judicial cooperation and exchanges between China and the Central Asian countries will also have a profound impact. In this paper, the application of analogy way, through the process of recall Sino Russian death penalty system of rail history, discuss China and Russia current death penalty rail of the differences, the pursuit of two countries in international criminal judicial assistance in the effective cooperation opportunities. 目录: 引言 5-7 第一章 中、俄死刑制度的历史沿革 7-21 一、中国死刑制度的发展历程 7-12 (一) 新中国成立前的死刑制度 7-10 (二) 新中国成立后的死刑制度 10-12 二、俄罗斯死刑制度的发展过程 12-21 (一) 俄国封建社会的死刑制度 12-16 (二) 苏联时期的死刑制度 16-18 (三) 俄罗斯死刑制度的近况 18-21 第二章 中俄死刑制度比较 21-37 一、中俄死刑制度实体法上的比较 21-32 (一) 死刑制度的法学条文比较 21-23 (二) 死刑量刑标准的比较 23-24 (三) 死刑适用对象的比较 24-32 二、中俄死刑制度程序法上的比较 32-37 (一) 死刑普通执行程序的比较 32-33 (二) 死刑特殊程序的比较 33-37 第三章 中俄死刑制度异同的反思 37-44 一、中俄死刑制度的异同在国际刑事司法协助领域中的冲突 37-41 二、构建中俄两国刑事司法合作的有效途径 41-44 结束语 44-46 参考文献 46-48 致谢 48-49 在校期间的论文清单 49-50 学位论文独创性声明 50 学位论文知识产权权属声明 50 |