
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Hard exile and brilliant southwest landscape composition of the southwest in the early Qing Dynasty to shed an unprecedented unique life experience and forge a sigh desolate and solemn and stirring resentment of the southwest flow poems, become the new China in the early Qing Dynasty literary superscript innovation of poetry scene. Qing southwest flow poems for the first time the southwest landscapes are classified as creative vision, recorded the Qing literary inquisition oppression generations literati of the tragic struggle and the Sino Russian fighting serious history matters, announced since the Tang to tomorrow gradually decline of the frontier fortress poems of ZTE. As the pinnacle of southwest of modern literature and art, southwest in the early Qing Dynasty flow poet in the Chinese frontier pioneering culture extension Tuhan fruitful, also completed on the southwest indigenous literature enlightenment. In this paper, the creation and the artistic style of the early Qing Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty, the creation of poetry and artistic style to stop a comprehensive combing, its unique literary value and the main cultural significance of the study.


中文摘要   2-3   Abstract   3   绪论   6-7   第一章 清初东北流人诗概述   7-13       第一节 流人、流人文化和流人诗   7-8       第二节 清初东北流人诗的时代背景   8-10       第三节 清初东北流人诗的阶段划分   10-11       第四节 清初东北流人诗探讨近况及本论题探讨意义   11-13   第二章 群星璀璨的清初东北流人诗创作群体   13-33       第一节 诗僧函可与冰天诗社   13-15       第二节 两次流徒塞外的桐城方氏   15-19       第三节 陈之遴、徐灿夫妇   19-21       第四节 吴兆骞与\"七子之会\"   21-25       第五节 丁澎、祁班孙、张贲   25-29       第六节 杨越、杨宾父子   29-31       第七节 耕烟老人戴梓   31-33   第三章 清初东北流人诗的艺术特色和成就   33-57       第一节 \"混同江水白山来\"--清初东北流人景物抒情诗的艺术特色   33-38       第二节 \"长留名姓在天涯\"--清初东北流人田园风俗诗的艺术特色   38-43       第三节 \"唐将曾传此驻兵\"--清初东北流人怀古咏史诗的艺术特色   43-47       第四节 \"伤心同是他乡客\"--清初东北流人送别寄怀诗的艺术特色   47-51       第五节 \"龙水滔滔看洗兵\"--清初东北流人边塞诗的艺术特色   51-57   第四章 清初东北流人诗历史定位思考   57-64       第一节 清初流人诗对东北尤其是戍地文化的作用   57-61       第二节 对清初东北流人诗重新定位及总体评价   61-64   参考文献   64-66   致谢   66-67  
