
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-20

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  展出的著作全部出自当代俄罗斯画家之手。这些著作风格各异、色彩浓郁,不仅生动地展现了俄罗斯的风土人情、自然景色和人物风貌,凸显油画艺术的迷人魅力,而且形象地反映出当代俄罗斯艺术家们崇尚自然、真实、完美的审美情趣,还充分地体现了俄罗斯艺术的发展及其在世界艺术史上的重要地位。中国美术学院油画系胡振宇教授感慨地说道:“这是我在杭州第一次这么大范围地接触到当代俄罗斯油画,俄语论文,这些著作的确跟老一辈画家风格完全不同,这一代画家有他们自己的艺术语言,但同时又能从色彩和笔触上看出传承前辈的影子。能把他们的优秀著作集中到一起展出,这样的机会很好,也很难得。 ”
  Russian artists represented at the Exhibition of Russian Oil Painting Masterpieces in Hangzhou
  今天的俄罗斯油画拥有坚实的历史文化传统。中国美术批评家年会学术委员、浙江大学美学与批评理论探讨所所长沈语冰教授是此次展览的学术主持。在展览开幕之前,俄语论文题目,他特意为到场的观众讲解了当代俄罗斯油画的美学价值以及如何鉴赏本次参展著作。他说:“这批画家年龄大约在五六十岁,既继承了传统俄罗斯油画的精神,又逐渐从趋向写实的俄罗斯画派中走出来,比如库拉科夫,他的人物画用色明亮大胆,造型上也有些许夏加尔的影子,可以明显地看到画家受巴黎画派的作用很深。 ”他的讲解让观众听得津津有味,座无虚席,来迟一点的只能站着听。
  澡堂 斯威特莱娜作 Bath House, by Swetlena
  俄罗斯当代著名画家瓦西里 ·谢夫楚科系俄罗斯功勋艺术家、圣彼得堡油画家协会理事。1992年毕业于列宾美术学院,也是该学院优秀毕业生金奖获得者。他与夫人谢夫楚科·斯威特莱娜女士是家喻户晓的享誉俄罗斯当代画坛的艺术家伉俪。他们的许多著作被俄罗斯、美国、法国、瑞典、英国、德国等国家博物馆收藏。
  西班牙的旋律 卢卡申诺克作
  Spanish Melody, by Lukasennov
  沐浴 萨卡洛夫作 Bathing, by Sokolov
  金色船顶 斯威特莱娜作
  Golden Roofs, by Swetlena
  Russian Colors Amaze Hangzhou
  By Zhou Minjie   An oil painting exhibition held in Hangzhou from September 10 through 20, 2017 brought the virtuoso art of Russia into the capital of Zhejiang and amazed the art circles and oil painting lovers of the city. More than 100 oil painting works, all by contemporary Russian artists, drew an elite turnout.
  Representing various genres and styles, the paintings demon-strate the colorful folk charm and scenic beauty of Russia in vibrant colors, vividly reflecting the artists’ aesthetic pursuit for naturalism, truth and perfection, as well as the indispensable role the Russian arts play in the world’s art history.
  “This is the first time the contemporary trends of Russian oil paintings are brought to Hangzhou with such a scale. The style of the new generation of Russian oil painting artists is noticeably dif-ferent from their predecessors. The exhibition provides a golden chance for people in Hangzhou to relish the unique artistic lan-guage of contemporary Russian art circle. The influences from the elder generations are woven magically into the colors and strokes,” comments Hu Zhenyu, from the Oil Painting Department of China Academy of Art.
  The history of the art of Russian oil painting dates back more
  than 1,000 years ago in the 9th Century. The 19th Century also saw the heyday of the Russian oil painting artists community. Today, the solid cultural and historical foundation still constitutes the essence of the Russian oil painting landscape.
  A brief lecture by Shen Yubing, a professor from Zhejiang Uni-versity and an attendee of the annual meeting of the China Art Crit-ics Association, took place prior to the opening of the exhibition. Shen shared with the audience the aesthetic basics of contemporary Russian oil painting with the visitors.
  “Most of the participating artists were born in the 1940s-1950s, which makes them take the transition role by breaking away with the conventional realism framework while maintaining the core spirit of the tradition. An outstanding example is Kulakov, whose portrait oil paintings are characteristic of bold, vibrant colors and noticeable influences from Marc Chagall (a Russian-French artist and ‘the quintessential Jewish artist of the twentieth century’).”
  The oil painting artist community is a dazzling star in the world's art galaxy, known for its unrivalled high artistry interpreted through natural, clear and very moving conceptions that touch the depths of the hearts of the viewers. Four of the participating artists visited Hangzhou earlier last year. The beauty of the West Lake and the landscape of the lakeshores is recounted in their virtuoso strokes and colors in such genius impromptu pieces as Berth, Encounter with China and China Landscape, all highlighting how the unique flair of the Western-style art of oil painting gets woven with tradi-tional Oriental elements.   The Russian oil painting masters are famed for their aptness in presenting the subtlest enchantment of natural landscapes, as shown in one of the pieces, named Wind from the Sea. The motion of the intangible wind fluttering with the undulating waves towards the shores and producing a milky smother of foam is magically pre-sented on a piece of canvas.
  Another piece that beautifully conveys the expressive force of Russian oil painting is Bathhouse, in which festive, flaming colors bring the refreshing pastoral aroma into full swing. The pecking hens and a trolley nearby insinuate the owner of the wooden hut has
  泊位 谢夫楚科作 Mooring berth, by Shevchuk
  中国景 谢夫楚科作 A Chinese Scene, by Shevchuk
  just left.
  Russian oil painting artists also enjoy a special position in the portrait painting vista of the world. They are all masters of colors, texture and composition. The mellowness of the colors and exqui-site brushwork make every piece lifelike and breathe. The color scheme is flamboyant but not too dazzling, complete with a fitting use of printing and sculpting touches in the collage of colors that creates supreme decorative effects.
  The oil paintings constitute a crucial part in the cultural landscape of Russia and in the painting art history of the world. It is the long-standing tradition of cultural cooperation and communication be-tween China and Russia that makes such profound artistry open for generations of Chinese artists to learn from, just like how the Chinese literati has drawn inspiration from their Russian counterparts.
