宁夏在“一带一路”战略布局中的民族人文优势--以阿拉伯语人才培训和输出实证探讨为基础 [阿拉伯语论文]

资料分类免费阿拉伯语论文 责任编辑:艾米尔更新时间:2017-06-15

作  者:马艳 MA Yan (Chinese Academy of Social Science the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Beijing 100081 )


出  处:《回族探讨》2017年第2期133-139,共7页Researches on the Hui

摘  要:2017年国家出台"一带一路"规划纲要,宁夏在"规划纲要"中的定位是推进宁夏内陆开放型经济试验区建设,形成面向中亚、南亚、西亚国家的通道、商贸物流枢纽、重要产业和人文交流基地。作为一个内陆型、资源匮乏、人口稀少、地域狭小的省份,宁夏如何在"一带一路"中发挥自身的区位优势,本文通过对宁夏阿拉伯语人才培训输出实证探讨,为宁夏在"一带一路"略布局相关区域发展及定位探讨中提供了一个较为客观的视角。In the year of 2017,the outline of"the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road"design was issued,and therefore Ningxia plays the role of pushing forward the establishment of the inland open economic pilot which forms the passage to Central and South Asia and also to Western Asian countries,building up the junction of transporting the goods and commodity,cultural and industrial exchanges. As an inland city with a small size and population as well as insufficient resources,how could Ningxia demonstrate its regional advantages? This paper offers a relatively objective perspective on the research of the position of Ningxia and its regional development under the strategic layout of "the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road"by investigating the training and exporting of the Arabic intellectuals in Ningxia.

关 键 词:宁夏 一带一路 民族人文优势 
