对宁夏地区阿拉伯语文献资源共建共享的思考 [阿拉伯语论文]

资料分类免费阿拉伯语论文 责任编辑:艾米尔更新时间:2017-06-15

作  者:张红燕[1] 陈晓波[1] 白雪梅[2] ZHANG Hongyan,CHEN Xiaobo,BAI Xuemei

机构地区[1]宁夏大学图书馆,宁夏银川750021 [2]宁夏大学阿拉伯学院,宁夏银川750021

出  处:《科技情报开发与经济》2017年第20期23-25,共3页Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy

基  金:2017年度宁夏高校科学探讨项目“阿拉伯探讨文献资源调查与共建共享”(项目编号:NGY2017035)

摘  要:阿拉伯语文献是从事阿拉伯语教学和开展阿拉伯探讨的第一手资料。对宁夏区内及区外高校图书馆的阿拉伯语文献收藏情况进行了调查,并总结了纸质和电子版阿拉伯语文献的收集措施和渠道,在此基础上,提出通过建立宁夏阿拉伯语文献资源共建共享系统和加入全国外语院校图书馆联盟等方式,为宁夏的阿拉伯语教学和阿拉伯探讨提供更加丰富的阿拉伯语文献信息资源的建议。Arabic literature resources are the firsthand data in the Arabic language teaching and Arab research. This paper investigates the collection status of Arabic literature resources in university libraries inside and outside Ningxia area,sums up the methods and channels for collecting the printed and electronic versions of Arabic literature resources, and based on this, puts forward some suggestions on providing more rich Arabic literature information resources for the Arabic language teaching and Arab research in Ningxia area through establishing Ningxia's Arabic literature resources co-construction and sharing system and joining the library consortium of foreign language colleges and universities in China.

关 键 词:阿拉伯语文献 资源共建共享 宁夏地区 
