系统功能语言学视角下阿拉伯语语篇略论及阅读技能培养 [阿拉伯语论文]

资料分类免费阿拉伯语论文 责任编辑:艾米尔更新时间:2017-06-15

作  者:刘辰[1] 刘欣路[1] LIU Chen, LIU Xin-lu (Department of Arabic, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China)


出  处:《长春师范学院学报:人文社会科学版》2017年第3期71-75,共5页Journal of Changchun Teachers Coliege

摘  要:本文以阿拉伯语经典教材中的文章为例,从系统功能语言学的三大元功能以及不同的语境内涵对其进行语篇略论,并尝试总结提高阿拉伯语阅读技能的相关措施和思路。Systemic Functional Linguistics is more concerned about the social attributes of the language and also pays more attention to the different cultural connotations of languages. Based on a typical article in the elassic Arabic textbook, this dissertation tries to make the discourse analysis from the Systemic Functional Linguistics ap- proach and to summarize the ideas to improve the Arabie reading skills.
