
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the study
Anderson(Anderson, 2017) pointed out that reading is a basic skill for language learners,reading is the most important skill to master. Besides, reading comprehension takes upa big part in many language proficiency tests. In order to stress on the importance ofreading comprehension, New English Curriculum Standard for Senior High Schoolclearly advocates that one of the main purposes of English teaching is to train thestudents to be skilled at reading. Chang Mei (2017) stated that it is teachers’ duty toassist students to become autonomous and independent readers who can readefficiently and fluently at any time. However, many senior high school students stillfeel difficult and remain poor in English reading, which can be evidenced by their poorperformance in reading comprehension of various standardized English tests. Thereasons in the following may explain this phenomenon. On one hand, in Englishreading class, the traditional teacher-centered teaching approach is still in a dominantposition, during the teaching process, there is a general tendency that teachers laymore stress on grammar and syntax analysis than on the connotation or readingmaterials and the training of strategies. Consequently, most students lack readingstrategies and some of them even do not know how to read. Although some studentsknow some reading strategies, they cannot use them at the appropriate time or onproper occasions. On the other hand, the students spend time in reading just to finishlearning tasks, therefore, their input in class is insufficient. Even though the studentsread sometimes, usually, they just read textbook and comprehension exercise passages.In a word, their reading is limited. The lack of sufficient input makes it very hard forthem to improve their English reading skills and even other English proficiency. Thus,our English reading teaching is confronted with a difficult situation.


Therefore, there is an urgent need for an effective teaching method for reading.Researchers and teachers have gradually realized that teachers should pay moreattention to reading skills and learning strategies during the educational process thanbefore to get better learning outcomes. Schraw (2017) reported that meta-cognitionenables learners to more reasonably make overall use of their cognitive skills and todiscover the shortcomings and deficiencies that can be corrected by building newcognitive skills, therefore, meta-cognition is essential to successful learning.Meta-cognition can be simply defined as “thinking about thinking” (Anderson,1991: 460). Learners are meta-cognitively conscious of what measures to take whenthey do not know what to do. It is generally believed that meta-cognition plays animportant role in reading comprehension. Reading strategies are regarded as instancesof meta-cognition and meta-comprehension are “any deliberate control of activitiesthat give birth to comprehension” (Brown, 1980:456). These meta-cognitive skills areobviously not developed in most of the senior high school students.

1.2 Significance of the present study
The use of meta-cognitive strat
