基于行动探讨的大学英语运用型人才培养 [阿拉伯语论文]

资料分类免费阿拉伯语论文 责任编辑:艾米尔更新时间:2017-06-15

作  者:吴琼[1] WU Qiong(Business School of Wuyi University,Wuyishan,Fujian 354300)


出  处:《武夷学院学报》2017年第6期 77-80,共4页Journal of Wuyi University

摘  要:在当今全球经济化的背景下,以培养基础英语为目标的大学英语教学无法满足社会、用人单位以及学生的需求。大学英语运用型人才的培养提上了日程,本文拟从以行动探讨为基础,以特定背景,特定地域文化的实践性的探讨活动来研讨人才培养模式改革的可行性。College English which aims at developing basic English can not meet the need of society,employer and students under the global economic environment.Application-oriented talents' development has been put on the agenda.It is possibility to explore the model of talent's development under specific background and its regional culture on the basis of need analysis and using Action Research.

关 键 词:大学英语 
