Runway Vietnam Bridesand Ridiculous International Love Affairs 外语论文网 www.waiyulw.com At the end of November, 2017, in Quzhou County, Feixiang County and Fuangping County of Handan, Hebei, the collective disappearances of several “Vietnam brides” happened there. The police suspected it was marriage fraud, which triggered great public attention. However, it is not the only case. When you enter the key words of “missing Vietnam brides” into Baidu, you can find 400,000 pieces of information. In fact, news related to Vietnam brides have been frequently reported and become overflowed every several months as a hot topic. What is exactly the group of “Vietnam brides”? Why they always run away? 2017年11月底,河北省邯郸市曲周县、肥乡县、广平县等地发生数名“越南新娘”集体失踪事件,越语毕业论文,警方认定涉嫌婚姻诈骗,舆论哗然。然而,这并非个例。在百度上输入关键词“越南新娘失踪”,搜索到的信息竟高达四十多万条。事实上,近年来有关越南新娘的新闻屡屡见诸报端,越语专业论文,这些消息每隔数月就会泛滥一次,并迅速成为热门。“越南新娘”究竟是个怎样的群体?为何频频上演落跑剧情? |