
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:Nguyễn Thị更新时间:2017-06-17

  2017年1期目录       本期共收录文章20篇


  Runway Vietnam Bridesand Ridiculous International Love Affairs
外语论文网 www.waiyulw.com
  At the end of November, 2017, in Quzhou County, Feixiang County and Fuangping County of Handan, Hebei, the collective disappearances of several “Vietnam brides” happened there. The police suspected it was marriage fraud, which triggered great public attention. However, it is not the only case. When you enter the key words of “missing Vietnam brides” into Baidu, you can find 400,000 pieces of information. In fact, news related to Vietnam brides have been frequently reported and become overflowed every several months as a hot topic. What is exactly the group of “Vietnam brides”? Why they always run away?
