
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-18

【关键词】:越南综合症 单独媾和 创伤后综合症 新现实主义 后现代主义 元小说 新历史主义





Chapter One Within the Vietnam War31-51

1. The Vietnam Syndrome31-38

(1) Definition of the Vietnam Syndrome31-32

(2) The Civil-rights Movement, the Women's Movement and the Counterculture32-36

(3) The New Left36-38

2. The War in Viet Nam38-51

(1) Views of Stone and O'Brien on the Vietnam War39

(2) Traditional and Postmodernist Characteristics of the Vietnam War39-45

A. Brutality and Absurdity39-42

B. Indeterminacy42-45

(3) A Separate Peace45-51

Chapter Two Beyond the Vietnam War51-101

1. From Viet Nam to Vietnam—Post Traumatic Stress Disorder51-72

(1) Reexperiencing Traumatic Events—Stone's Helping53-56

(2) Avoidance of Stimuli Associated with the Trauma—Stone's Outerbridge Reach, O'Brien's The Things They Carried and Northern Lights56-66

(3) Increased Arousal—O'Brien's In the Lake of the Woods66-69

(4) Trauma Cannot be Healed—Ways of Eliminating the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder69-72

2. From Viet Nam to the U.S.A72-82

(1) Stone's Dog Soldiers: Vietnam—The United States72-76

(2) O'Brien's The Nuclear Age: The Vietnam War—The Nuclear Age76-82

3. From Viet Nam to Central America--Stone's A Flag for Sunrise: Viet Nam—Tecan82-91

4. From the Vietnam War to the War of Life--O'Brien's Tomcat in Love: The Vietnam War—The War of Life Itself91-101

Chapter Three Robert Stone: From Neorealism to Postmodernism101-125

1. Robert Stone in the Postmodern Context101-103

2. Neorealistic Aesthetic Representation103-115

(1) Combination of Realistic and Neorealistic Plots and Characters103-108

A. Realistic Plots and Characters103-105

B. Neorealistic Plots and Characters105-108

(2) Philosophical Naturalism108-112

(3) Modernistic Techniques112-114

(4) Mythological and Biblical Reconstruction114-115

3. Postmodernist Tendency115-125

(1) Popular Culture116-118

(2) From Construction to Deconstruction118-120

(3) Surrealism and Metafiction120-125

Chapter Four Tim O'Brien: From Postmodernism to New Historicism125-155

1. Tim O'Brien in the Postmodernist Aura125

2. Metafiction125-145

(1) Juxtaposition of Narrative and Commentary Discourses126-130

(2) Open Endings130-131

(3) Parody131-132

(4) Fragmented Collage132-137

(5) Random Sequences of Time and Space137-141

(6) Blurring of Reality and Fiction141-142

(7) Anti-genre142-145

3. New Historicism145-155

(1) Definition145-146

(2) Historicity of the Text of the My Lai Massacre146-150

(3) Textuality of the History of the My Lai Massacre150-155
