
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南演奏技法探讨Vietnam's Zheng playing techniques research




The important part of this paper is composed of five parts: the media, the first chapter, the second chapter, the third chapter and the conclusion. The important content of media on Vietnamese traditional music history, puts forward the existing achievements and their thinking of Vietnamese traditional music. The first chapter is divided into three sections "Vietnam" s Zheng history "," Vietnam "s Zheng in the social position, and the shape of Vietnam's Zheng and play the situation". An overview of important content regarding Vietnam "s Zheng case. Through the process of the Chinese zither and Vietnam's Zheng of historical literature and their in Vietnam in the field testing to discuss of Vietnam's Zheng history, shape and so on. The important contents of the second chapter is the representative on Vietnamese traditional music style and the tuning characteristics of Vietnam "s zheng. The third chapter through the process of reference China guzheng playing techniques, to discuss the characteristics of Vietnam's Zheng playing techniques. Conclusion deals with the after returning home to continue computing of Vietnam's traditional music and the Vietnam's Zheng teaching and research, but also the desire for enhanced the more we, China music civilization exchange best.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   前言   7-9   第一章 越南筝概述   9-20       第一节 越南筝简史   9-13       第二节 越南筝在社会上的地位   13-15       第三节 越南筝的形制和表演形式   15-20   第二章 越南传统音乐风格和越南筝的定弦特征   20-30       第一节 越南北部传统风格   21-23       第二节 越南中部传统风格   23-27       第三节 越南南部传统风格   27-30   第三章 越南筝的演奏技法特征   30-43       第一节 右手技法   31-35       第二节 左手技法   35-38       第三节 其他技法和符号   38-40       越南筝的记谱符号特点   40-43   结语   43-45   后记   45-46   参考文献   46-49  
