
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南(字宁)喃造字之法探讨Vietnam (Zi Ning) of Nan characters method


(字宁)喃是越南平易近族依照方块汉字符号发明的一种用来记载越南平易近族说话的半表音半表意文字。因为历久跟汉化平易近族的思惟缠斗,越南平易近族急切请求要有本身的说话文字,越语专业论文,(字宁)应运而生。越南平易近族先人在自力说话文明的认识上施展了立异性精力,在汉族文字的基本上树立了一种奇特的用以记载本身说话的文字。 本论文以越南(字宁)喃作为研究对象,重要研究越南(字宁)喃造字之法,依据(字宁)喃现实的形、音、义停止分类,将其归结为一些固定的类型。笔者将(字宁)喃造字法分为两年夜类 第一是解释汉字在越南流传及其被借用为拧喃,(字宁)喃是汉字的一个分支,两者有异常亲密的关系。研究越南(字宁)喃就是研究汉字在越南流传的成果,研究在越南的汉字也就是研究(字宁)喃的开始,从而得出(字宁)喃造字中的假借法。 第二是解释由越南人本身发明的(字宁)喃及其与汉字构造的关系。由于(字宁)喃是在汉字的基本之上树立而成的,所以(字宁)喃的字形离不开汉字的构件,(字宁)喃的表音字、表意字与合体音意字都是借用汉字部件来表现的。汉字有传统“六书”构造,贮喃却只要“四书”,且汉字的“六书”和(字宁)喃“四书”不尽雷同。 (字宁)喃是在汉字已成为标准的符号文字基本上借用偏重新发明出与本来类似的文字来,也能够说拧喃是汉字的副版或後版。(字宁)喃脱胎于汉字并模拟方块汉字的形体来造字,却有本身奇特的性质,是借汉字来造字而不是跟汉字混用。 (字宁)喃的问世获得了浩瀚老庶民的支撑,使得越南平易近族奇特的说话文明得以施展,同时也表现了越南平易近族自立自强的精力。其於国度汗青文明刻印上一个红点,成为我们平易近族名贵的文明造诣之一。


Zi Ning Nan Vietnamese ethnic in accordance with square Chinese characters invented a kind of used to record Vietnam plain near family speak of semi phonetic semi ideograms. Because long-term with Han ethnic thoughts get entangled in fighting and Vietnamese ethnic urgent request to have the language written language itself, (the word Ning) arises at the historic moment. Vietnam plain near family ancestors in understanding self talk civilization cast energy of the opposite sex. In Han language basically set up a strange used to record the text speak for itself. This thesis to Vietnam (Zi Ning) Nan as the research object, important research Vietnam (Zi Ning) NOM characters and law, basis (Zi Ning) Nan realistic shape, sound and meaning of classification, attributed to some fixed type. I will (Zi Ning) Nan coinage law points for two of the eve of the class is the first interpretation of Chinese characters in Vietnam spread and borrowed to tighten the Nan, (a branch of the Chinese Zi Ning Nan both very close relationship. Research Vietnam Zi Ning Nan is the study of the Chinese in Vietnam spread of the results, the research of Chinese characters in Vietnam is research Zi Ning Nan began, thus obtained (Zi Ning) NOM characters in the guise of method. The second is explained by the Vietnamese invention itself (Zi Ning) "and its relationship with tectonic Chinese characters. Since the Zi Ning furans in the Chinese characters on the basic set and the, member being so Zi Ning Nan shape are inseparable from the Chinese characters, phonetic word Zi Ning) NOM, ideographic characters and the sound synthesis meaning words are borrowed the Chinese character component performance. Chinese traditional "Liushu" structure, Nan storage but as long as the "four books" and Chinese characters of "six" and word Ning Nan "four books" is not the same. (Zi Ning Nan is in Chinese characters has become standard sign languages are basically use partial re invented and had similar words, also can say Ning Nan is Chinese side version or later version. (Zi Ning) Nan was born in Chinese characters and Simulation of square of Chinese form characters, has its own unique properties is borrowed Chinese characters rather than with the characters mix. (the advent of Zi Ning Nan won the support of the vastness of the old palace, the Vietnamese plain near family peculiar speak civilization be cast, and at the same time the Vietnamese ethnic self reliant energy. The national historical civilization imprinted with a red dot, we become the nation's precious attainments of civilization.


封面   1-2  
文摘   2-3  
英文文摘   3-5  
中文文摘   5-8  
第1章 緒論   8-18  
    1.1()喃探讨狀況   8-11  
    1.2探讨主要範圍和措施   11-12  
    1.3淺談()喃起源、演變   12-18  
第2章 越南的漢字與()喃借用的措施   18-64  
    2.1古漢越語及其被借用為()喃   18-33  
        2.1.1古漠越語   18-28  
        2.1.2古漠越語被借用為()喃   28-33  
    2.2漢越語及其被借用為()喃   33-51  
        2.2.1漢越語   33-45  
        2.2.2漢越語被借用為()喃   45-51  
    2.3漠越语越化及其被借用為()喃   51-62  
        2.3.1漠越语越化   51-52  
        2.3.2漢語越化的過程   52-58  
        2.3.3漢越語越化被借用為()喃   58-62  
    2.4本章小結   62-64  
第3章 ()喃結構方式及其與漢字结構之關係   64-117  
    3.1概說   64-65  
    3.2()喃的結構方式   65-103  
        3.2.1()喃表音字結構方式   65-87  
        3.2.2()喃表意字的結構方式   87-92  
        3.2.3()喃音意合體字的結構方式   92-103  
    3.3()喃結構與漢字結構的關係   103-117  
        3.3.1淺談漢字“六書”結構   104-107  
        3.3.2()喃結構與漢字結構的關係   107-117  
論文結語   117-119  
附錄   119-126  
參考文献   126-132  
攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果   132-133  
致谢   133-134  
个人简历   134  
