
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南公职考试录用存在问题探讨Research on the existing problems of the employment of the Vietnamese public office




Vietnam public examinations system, growth and perfection of administrative reform in Vietnam, theoretical research and theory has a very serious, especially in the 2017 of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam "cadre a public law formally implemented. This thesis will modern Vietnamese public examinations system originated in the imperial period of Vietnam ancient officer rail system, with vigorous foreign country office (officeholder) examinations results study and created; elaborates Vietnam public examinations of historical shape and exterior interior relationship. At the same time, the status quo and accomplishments from the Vietnamese public service test, the existence of achievements and reasons to stop research and analysis. Medium and Vietnam public examinations exist important results emerged: (a) public should test announcement of underground lack of; (II) a candidate of the education level and professional education request unlimited; (III) test organizational forms is not standard, single pen without reference to the interview; (4) test the content of the exam is not strong enough, the lack of pertinence and usefulness; (5) recruitment office lack escape criterion, surveillance is lax. Perfect Vietnamese cadres a public examinations rail system is very important to include: Office for examination, fair competition, peer interventions, plain near the main legal system "to complete the efficient public examinations, superstition, reality, innovation. At the same time, from the following three aspects of research and Thinking: one is to perfect the Vietnam public rail system of the rule of law, society; the second is slowly improve Vietnam the same public examinations organization, approach and content; the third is perfect laws and regulations of the public surveillance of Vietnam.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   1 引言   8-13       1.1 论文选题的背景   8-9       1.2 论文探讨的目的及意义   9           1.2.1 论文探讨目的   9           1.2.2 论文探讨意义   9       1.3 论文探讨结构与措施   9-10           1.3.1 论文探讨结构   9-10           1.3.2 论文探讨措施   10       1.4 国内外探讨近况   10-13           1.4.1 国外探讨近况   10-12           1.4.2 国内探讨近况   12-13   2 越南公职考试录用的基本理论与近况   13-25       2.1 越南公职考试录用的基本理论   13-18           2.1.1 越南公职概念   13-14           2.1.2 越南公职录用涵义   14-15           2.1.3 越南公职考试录用特点   15           2.1.4 越南公职考试录用准则   15-16           2.1.5 越南公职考试录用的程序   16-18       2.2 越南公职考试录用的产生,发展,近况及成效   18-25           2.2.1 越南公职考试录用的产生   18           2.2.2 越南公职考试录用的发展与近况   18-21           2.2.3 越南公职考试录用的成效   21-25   3 越南公职考录存在主要问题   25-30       3.1 公职招考公告的公开性不足   25       3.2 关于应考者的教育程度与学习专业要求有限制   25-27       3.3 考试组织形式不规范,单一笔考没有面试   27       3.4 考试内容的测验不够强,缺乏针对性和有效性   27-29       3.5 录用公职缺乏回避准则,监督性不严   29-30   4. 越南公职考录存在问题的主要原因及完善越南公职考试录用的探究   30-38       4.1 越南公职考录存在问题的主要原因   30-31           4.1.1 悠久的历史观念“官文化”   30           4.1.2 行政事务存在限制导致公职制度系统不够完善   30-31           4.1.3 东西方行政事务制度结合不足   31       4.2 完善越南公职考试录用的探究   31-38           4.2.1 国外公职考试录用对越南公职考试录用的启示   31-35           4.2.2 完善越南公职考试录用的建议   35-38   论文结论   38-39   参考文献   39-42   后记   42-43  
