
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

Vietnam and China mountains connected, Nguyen is Vietnamese feudal society was originally a powerful era, is the pinnacle of modern growth in Vietnam, but also a platform for modern Vietnam beginning is Vietnam history is regarded as a crux of the era. It made a lot of economic, cultural and institutional preparation for Vietnam's modernization. As early as in Vietnam before independence, its social legal system by the Chinese Confucian thought the influence is very deep. Since the beginning of the Qin and Han Dynasty, the Confucian thought has been introduced into Vietnam, which has a long and profound influence on the social development of Vietnam. From the beginning of the Vietnam Chen Dynasty dynasty, Confucian thought has gradually become the mainstream ideological civilization of the country, to the post Li Dynasty and Orthodox and hegemony position. Until the Vietnam and the Yuan Dynasty, the influence of Confucian Thought on Vietnam's modern legal system reached its peak. The spread and influence of Chinese culture in Vietnam in the further deepening of the times, this is the history of growth and China's mutual concern. Modern Vietnamese northern and central regions have China County, which is tantamount to the frontier, after up to more than a thousand years old; Vietnam in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty independently in the future, still with China adhere to the suzerain vassal relationship, until the second half of the 19th century become a French Colonial so far. On the other hand is a common Chinese characters in Vietnam for a long time. In Han culture spread to Vietnam Nguyen social influence deepening important representation for the first, published in Confucian thought leitmotiv of judicial law; second, growing force of the eve of the Confucian teachings; third, Nianye amount of printing Confucian classics; fourth, Si hole Mai Chao generation ago Zun; fifth, product implementation of social enlightenment movement. While in the middle of nineteenth Century, Vietnam became the colony of France. The production method of Oriental and spiritual civilization, the intense impact on the Confucian Si Wei as the main body of the Vietnamese traditional civilization of Si Wei. However Jing in the two thousand years of invasion and spread, subtle, Confucian thought has infiltrated into the social knowledge shape of each category and social life each aspect, a Vietnamese ethnic traditional ideological civilization the main components of the Department. If you want to completely abandon the Confucian thought, it is impossible to put into power, it is not realistic. In Han culture spread of Vietnam Nguyen social influence deepening background, Ruan toward rule of the three most prominent characteristics is Confucian thought the infiltration of Nguyen Dynasty making the law of change; the second is the village of legal system perfect Nguyen Dynasty social regulation characteristics; the third is the legal system from the perspective of the Nguyen dynasty women position of progress. The infiltration of Confucianism into the formulation of the law of the development of the law is an important manifestation of the "king of the law," the code in the code. "Huang Yue" is a collection of the Vietnamese feudal code, is the case of the development of the Confucian Si Wei for the guidance of the code, the history of the legal system in the world has a certain location. Compared with the "Hong De code" the system is more complete, more informative, concise language double, double or designated. All this an adequate response out of Vietnam Nguyen towards social relations increasingly complex objectively the actual, and legislative thoughts and legislative skills improve. The "imperial Yue and the law" with the Confucian judicial thought as the actual basis, pointing out the legislative principle and the application of the law. The important performance in the first, ritual joint, Dewei; second, legal situation, justice of the family; third, family oriented, ethics and the rule of law; the fourth, privilege protection, grade clear. Vietnam's legal system of the village community refers to the country's rural residents about. Vietnam rural village regulations and folk about longstanding, through ceaseless application in the development history of precipitation and theory, with the rulers always of plain village rules about recognition, to Nguyen towards the era of the ejido legal system tends to perfect important performance in "rural regulation is better than the law of the land" scene. The practical application of the village social agreement is better than that of the judicial. The village agency agreement is equivalent to the code of a village ". In this sense, you can think of a village protocol can directly adjust almost anything between a village between the individual and family relationships, it can also adjust the relationship between the differences between villages and the relationship between village and nation. Is the main form of social regulation in the village social agreement. To investigate its reason, the deep influence of Confucianism on the village society is the practical and superior to the judicial practice of the village social agreement. In addition, the living conditions of traditional Vietnamese village the villagers near bias in respect of habits, rather than as the city people to respect the judicial; village protocol ceaselessly, the realities of objectivity reaction village, village protocol is involved in the village grow all their habits assembly; Village Agreement by all villagers near with the formulation, fair, the biggest limit reaction villagers near volunteer; of central court and place absolutely lax, center court means less than useful in master place the necessary practical judicial, forcing central court receiving the rule in the village. These are also the main reason. Although Vietnam by the Confucian ethics and moral concept influence, must in the social life in modern Vietnamese women is still in subsidiary position. However, because of the difference of civilization with the historical background, the Confucian patriarchal thoughts in Vietnam have some variation, the most prominent is the position of the Vietnamese women obvious progress. One is Vietnamese women play a role of scale and not be severely limited outside the family; second is in the family, Vietnamese women are not all take orders eyebrows; the third is men and women with regard to marriage in Vietnam also significantly peer some; fourth, Vietnam

