
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

南北方佛教女性探讨A study on the female gods of the Northern Buddhism in Vietnam




Buddhism though and Vietnam is not the invention, but also in afferent in Vietnam by the Vietnamese traditional religion and civilization of the influence, the national reform of Vietnam for the unique characteristics of the Vietnam Buddhist civilization, the most attractive, nothing is better than in South Vietnam Buddhist female God. South Vietnam Buddhist goddess worship no like other civilizations that follow a patrilineal society instead of matriarchal society gradually decline, or even disappear, but Pingzhang rice civilization brew water civilization and continuation of the women from history to tomorrow's outstanding contribution and growth so far, the long unabated. These female god contains not Ya Yin Bodhisattva, four Favre, tree god mother, Forest Mother God, God of jellyfish, mother of God and mother of God position the highest Liu apricot Mother God. This is a very rich study of the value of religious civilization, the scene in front of the Vietnamese culture contains the unique character of the. This article is divided into four chapters, to remind the South Vietnamese Buddhist goddess identity and characteristics. In the Department of "Introduction", the author briefly introduces the Vietnam plain near family religious summary, a description of the South Vietnamese Buddhist Women God worship the rough contour and the current academic circles this achievement research state and under the basic tone name the research ideas and methods. The first chapter of history "and" important historical changes in Vietnamese Buddhism summed up Vietnamese buddhism. The goal is to explain the origin of Vietnamese Buddhism and spread, the changes in Vietnamese society historical development process, also looking for the source and development of female deity worship. The second chapter "indecent tone" review the debate focused in South Vietnam Buddhist Avalokitesvara worship. This chapter first summarizes the translation of indecent sound, and then introduced the Vietnam three indecent sound that Miaoshan indecent sound,'s respect indecent sound legends and a is regarded as indecent sound historical figures - leaning Lan Yuan Fei from the princess to indecent sound historical story, and then analyzes the indecent sound sensible trust Yang, inspiration and faith, the original interpretation of the early primary civilization inherent, life of psychology of consciousness, personal appearance. The third chapter "the four law" to describe the unique Vietnam Buddhist worship scene: four Favre worship. Favre is Fayun, rain, thunder, electric, to analyze the combination of Vietnam's agricultural natural goddess and Indian Buddhism from the legend of the four beliefs, composition, function, the temple (and important Yu Temple). The four method is in early Buddhism in Vietnam, Vietnam is the cornerstone of buddhism. The fourth chapter "Mother God worship" important introduction and analysis from primitive civilization in Vietnam, has been prosperous, and Buddhism closely interconnected and Mother God worship. Have a close relationship with the Vietnamese rice Mother God worship of civilization, the apparition of mother is Vietnamese world view and philosophy of yin and yang. In four of the goddess worship of the goddess, namely God Goddess, the peak of mother of God, Earth Mother Goddess and jellyfish God, and highest of mother of God but Liu apricot mother of God. Every mother has its origin and God can, is formed on the Vietnamese natural scene of the sacred. In the original "conclusion" sector, the author points out that because Vietnam is a rice civilization, Vietnamese women in childbirth career with water overnight along, in history have already constituted of water civilization deeply know, inspired and water constitute the career intelligence and life philosophy. From ancient times to the present, God is the Vietnam Buddhist civilization in women by Vietnam sincere women civilization resolution, and Vietnamese women civilization is important is by the Vietnamese Female outstanding contributions to the invention and exchange for; against the past, Vietnamese Buddhist civilization female God, and gengxu shaping the Vietnam women's mind temperament, always Bao Vietnam woman spirit essence, and it is branded born generations of Vietnamese women's heart, to encourage and inspire Vietnamese women continue to make more achievements and contribution, the second between the benign interaction between useful firmly and grow the second, which is precisely the Vietnam Buddhist civilization system of female deity in particular and the main significance of place. This kind of benign interaction will contribute to the future of the male civilization based world civilization on the location of women and women's civilization from a new and profound understanding and reflection.

