
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南河内市乡级公务员培训模式探讨Vietnam Hanoi City township civil servants training mode research




Township officeholder as officeholder troops in the largest number of enveloped the widest part of, is government function implementation of the first ring, the township officeholder troops to nature to the state administrative organs at the administrative level has directly influence. So the current township officeholder training tasks are increasingly being the social from all walks of life value, in reality task, toward the high level of legalization and standardization forward. Strengthen Township officeholder practical training on demand is becoming more and more urgent. This paper discusses the research background and significance of the discussion, and on the international and international research on the situation of the cessation of a summary of the situation, to understand the research methods of this article. Concept of Hanoi, Vietnam Township officeholder, official trainers and township officeholder training stopped definition, on this basis, analyzing and summarizing the Hanoi Township officeholder training of practical significance. Through the process of Hanoi Township officeholder this specific research object stop training, a brief analysis, stop summarized, pointed out the existing in the Hanoi City Township officeholder training results, important contains training lack of useful intervention training object, receiving unbalanced training opportunities, training teaching method 1 single, the lack of diversity training situation, training encouragement restraint mechanism is not perfect, the lack of training performance evaluation etc.. The reason for these results, an important source in guiding layer of officeholder training strategy knowledge lack, theory not intangible into the institutionalization of the training mechanism etc.. For the improvement of existing in the Hanoi City Township officeholder training achievements shall from strengthen strategic knowledge update training indecent read, perfect the laws and regulations of the standard training systems, useful to raise funds to ensure funding for training, intensive training implemented to promote the effectiveness of training, enhance governance evaluation solid training results and other aspects to the improvement measures, so as to obtain the very good improvement Hanoi Township officeholder training.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7   第一章 绪论   8-16       第一节 探讨背景   8-9       第二节 探讨目的和意义   9-10           一、 探讨目的   9           二、 探讨意义   9-10       第三节 国内外探讨近况   10-16           一、 国外探讨近况   10-14               1. 国外对于人力资源的探讨   10-11               2. 国外对于公务员培训的探讨   11-14           二、 越南国内探讨近况   14-16   第二章 公务员培训理论基础   16-26       第一节 基本概念   16-22           一、 公务的概念   16-18               1. 西方国家对公务的界定   16-17               2. 东方国家对公务的界定   17               3. 越南对公务的界定   17-18           二、 公务员的概念   18-20           三、 培训、培养的概念   20-21           四、 乡级公务员及乡级公务员培训的定义   21-22       第二节 相关的培训理论   22-24           一、 贝克尔的一般培训理论   23           二、 组织培训理论   23-24       第三节 越南公务员培训制度的历史沿革   24-26   第三章 越南河内市乡级公务员培训的近况略论   26-37       第一节 越南乡级公务员培训的近况   26-33           一、 越南乡级公务员队伍的基本情况   26-31               1. 越南乡级公务员队伍建设情况   26               2. 河内市乡级公务员队伍建设情况   26-29               3. 河内市乡级公务员培训情况调查   29-31           二、 河内市乡级公务员培训的主要类型   31-33               1. 培训的主要类型   31-32               2. 培训的主要内容   32-33       第二节 越南乡级公务员培训存在的问题及略论   33-37           一、 培训中缺乏培训对象的有效参与   33-34           二、 接受培训的机会不均衡   34-35           三、 培训教学措施单一   35           四、 缺乏多样化培训形式   35-36           五、 培训的激励约束机制不完善   36           六、 培训缺少绩效评估   36-37   第四章 发达国家及中国基层公务员培训制度的经验与启示   37-45       第一节 美日英法等国家公务员培训制度的经验借鉴   37-41           一、 美国的公务员培训制度   37-38           二、 日本的公务员培训制度   38-39           三、 英国的公务员培训制度   39-40           四、 法国的公务员培训制度   40-41       第二节 美日英法等国家公务员培训制度对越南的启示   41-43           一、 必须健全公务员培训法学法规   41           二、 必须提高对公务员培训重要性的认识   41-42           三、 必须完善有效的公务员培训网络   42           四、 必须改进公务员培训的内容和方式   42-43           五、 必须加大公务员培训经费的投入   43       第三节 中国公务员培训制度的经验借鉴   43-45           一、 中国公务员培训制度的经验   43-44           二、 中国公务员培训制度对越南的启示   44-45   第五章 改进河内市乡级公务员培训工作的建议   45-51       第一节 增强战略意识更新培训观念   45-46           一、 要以战略眼光认识发展形势   45           二、 要以战略眼光认识行政机关发展要求   45-46       第二节、健全法学法规规范培训体制   46-47       第三节、有效筹集资金保障培训经费   47-48       第四节 强化培训实施增进培训实效   48-49       第五节、加强管理评估巩固培训成果   49-51   第六章 结论   51-52   参考文献   52-54   致谢   54-55   附件   55-59  
