
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南商业银行信贷风险管理On the credit risk management of commercial banks in Vietnam




This paper introduces the bank's special is the Bank of Vietnam on credit, credit risk and credit risk management of the basic practice and approach, the analysis of the characteristics of the Vietnamese trade bank in the credit risk management and the reality of the operation. At the beginning, this paper has discussed the credit risk management measures from two angles of view and micro view, and gave the suggestions on the future. The full text of an important content of the following: 1. Credit, credit risk and credit risk management the actual system integration, to study Vietnam commercial bank credit risk management to offer basic; 2. Vietnam trade bank credit risk and management of state analysis; 3. The combined Vietnam trade bank risk control status, to discuss the credit risk management measures; 4. Based on a detailed case analysis, to discuss the credit risk identification and credit risk management way. This paper has a certain contribution to the study of the credit risk management in Vietnam. However, the credit risk is increasingly complex and diversified, which makes the civil economy of Vietnam and Vietnam suffered a severe loss in recent years. It is a profound study of the scope of credit risk management has been a priority of the Vietnamese scholars, the author also hopes the results of this paper can provide reference for the credit risk management of Vietnam Trade Bank, and even all of Vietnam's banking system.


Acknowledgements   4-5   摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   List of Figures   9-10   Abbreviations   10-11   CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION   11-19       1.1 The significance of the study   11       1.2 The statement of the problem   11-12       1.3 The research objectives   12       1.4 Scope and limitation   12       1.5 Literature review   12-19       1.6 Research methodology   19   CHAPTER II: SUMMARY CREDIT AND CREDIT RISK IN COMMERCIAL BANK   19-33       2.1 Credit and credit risk process in commercial bank   19-23           2.1.1 Credit process in commercial bank   19-21           2.1.2 Credit risk process in commercial bank   21-23       2.2 The impact of credit risk in commercial bank   23-25           2.2.1 The role of credit in commercial bank   23-24           2.2.2 The impact of credit risk in commercial bank   24-25       2.3 The approach of the credit risk management and reference models in commercial bank   25-33           2.3.1 Credit risk management in commercial bank   25-26           2.3.2 Credit risk management models in commercial bank   26-33   CHAPTER III: STATUS OF CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT IN VIETNAMESE COMMERCIAL BANKS   33-47       3.1 Brief introduction to Vietnamese commercial banks   33-41           3.1.1 Overview Vietnamese banking system   33-36           3.1.2 Policies in Vietnamese banking system   36-41       3.2 Key issues of credit risk   41-47           3.2.1 Credit market and bad debt situation in Vietnamese commercial banks   41-45           3.2.2 The challenges of the credit risk for Vietnamese commercial banks   45-47   CHAPTER IV: METHODS OF CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT IN VIETNAMESE COMMERCIAL BANKS   47-56       4.1 Macroeconomic methods   47-50       4.2 Microeconomic methods   50-56   CHAPTER V: CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY IN A VIETNAMESE COMMERCIAL BANKS   56-72       5.1 ACB bank background and profile   56-62       5.2 Credit and credit risk issue of ACB bank   62-64       5.3 Methods of credit risk management in ACB bank   64-67       5.4 Comparing the Vietnamese and Chinese commercial bank approach to credit risk management   67-72   CHAPTER VI: CONCLUSIONS   72-74   References   74-75  
