
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19
摘要:正 越南民主共和国位于东南亚地区西北部的中印半岛上,大部分地区处于北回归线以南地区。由于赤道潮湿气团的作用,夏季气候炎热,最热月份的平均温度一般在25°~30℃以上,首都河内最高为42℃,年平均相对湿度80%左右。全年分雨旱两季,每年4~9月为雨季。在这段时间里的雨量差不多要占全年的雨量80%以上。自10月到翌年3月是旱季。大部分地区均属亚热带季风气候,年降雨量都要超过1,500毫米,有的地方甚至到2,000~3,000毫米,河内最高达2,700

Abstract:The Democratic Republic of Vietnam is located in the northwest of Southeast Asia, China and India Peninsula, most of the northern Tropic of cancer in the south. Due to the equatorial humid air mass effect, hot summer climate, the average temperature in the hottest month General in more than 25 DEG to 30 DEG C, Hanoi, the capital of highest for 42 DEG C, the annual average relative humidity of 80% or so. Annual rainfall in two seasons, 4 to September for the rainy season. In this period of time the amount of rainfall to account for more than 80% of the total annual rainfall. From October to March is the dry season. Most areas are sub tropical monsoon climate, annual rainfall of more than 1500 mm, and some places even to 3000 to 2000 mm, Hanoi up to 2700

