
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19
摘要:正 在越南越语论文,几乎大部分中小企业是食品加工公司,公司目前的技术设备非常陈旧,因此原材料利用率非常低。但是主要的食品加工产品是大米、糖、木薯粉、海鱼、动物饲料、冷冻水果和蔬菜、面条、高味品以及80%的食品是中小企业生产的。1)碾米5500个工厂的大米总加工能力约为240万吨(其中70一80%是农村地区的小碾米厂加工的),每个工厂的加工能力是每天5吨。到目前为止,越南语论文,国营公司加工26一31%的大米,其中水稻占

Abstract:In Vietnam, almost the majority of small and medium enterprises are food processing enterprises, the company is very old technology and equipment, so the utilization rate of raw materials is very low. But the main food processing products are rice, sugar, tapioca, fish, animal feed, frozen fruits and vegetables, noodles, high taste products and 80% of food production is small and medium-sized enterprise. 1) the total processing capacity of 5500 rice milling plant is about 2 million 400 thousand tons (70 of which 80% is a small rice processing plant in rural areas, the) processing capacity of each plant is 5 tons per day. So far, 31% of the state-owned enterprises processed rice, which accounts for 26

引言:扮‘…的是国内机械制造厂生的Engleberg型产品。 碾米业的问题开始于送到碾米厂的水稻的质量脱粒水稻通常在场院或柏油路上晒干。雨季收获和夏秋作物特别难晒干。由于干燥机昂贵和燃料短缺,除几个较大的碾米厂外,很少采用干燥机。约30%的水稻是为家庭自用生产的,大多数家庭
