
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19
摘要:正 11月的深秋,广西边陲小城东兴市依然青翠欲滴,繁花似绵。与之隔河相望的越南芒街更是处处充满着生机和活力,街上游人如织,越南语论文题目,道路两旁一幢幢新楼拔地而起,越语论文网站,可以说芒街真忙。 旅游购物忙 从我国东兴市跨过北仑河就等于进入芒街了。这里是越南社会主义共和国广宁省海宁县政府

Abstract:Is the late autumn of November, Guangxi border town of Dongxing city is still The grass is green and luxuriant., flowers like cotton. And across the river in Vietnam Mangjie is full of vigor and vitality, the street on both sides of the road Yourenruzhi, new building rises straight from the ground, it can be said Mangjie really busy. Travel shopping busy from the Dongxing city across the Beilun river is equal to enter the mans street. This is the government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Haining County, Guangning province.

