摘要:水资源开发在为越南社会经济的发展做出巨大贡献的同时,也面临着诸多的挑战,诸如水资源的分布不均和各领域快速增长的水需求等。为此,越南建立了一套水资源综合管理框架,结合新的国家水资源战略,将会极大推动越南的水资源开发。 Abstract:Water resources development has made great contributions to the development of social economy in Vietnam, but also faces many challenges, such as the uneven distribution of water resources and the rapid growth of water demand in various fields. To this end, Vietnam established a comprehensive water resources management framework, combined with the new national water resources strategy, will greatly promote the development of water resources in vietnam. 引言:越南国土面积约330 000 km2,海岸线长3 200 km,边境线长3 700 km,3/4的国土为丘陵和山脉。越南总人口数为8 620万,有54个民族,城市人口占总人口的29.6%。在过去20 a里,越南GDP的年平均增长率显著提高,但仍未摆脱贫困。1水资源概况东南亚地区通常拥有丰富的水资源。相比温带地 ,越南语毕业论文,越语专业论文 |