
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23
摘要:正 清迈市位于曼谷以北700公里处,该市面积为4万平方公里,人口约17万人,实际人口约25万人,是泰国第二大城市,与首都曼谷的650万人相比,是无法比拟的。尽管如此,清迈依然是泰国北部的中心城市和政治经济中心。 清迈又是一座13世纪建造的历史城市,那里有很多历史文化遗迹和寺院。城市周围自然环境优美,吸引着来自海外的众多游客,每年约有70万外国游客来此观光,来自日本的游客就多达11万人。与该市的总人口相比,就可见游客之多了。因此,观光业就成了清迈市经济的中心产业。

Abstract:Is Chiang Mai City is located in Bangkok to 700 kilometers north, area of the city for 4 million square kilometers, with a population of about 17 million people, the actual population of about 25 million people is the second largest city in Thailand, compared to 6.5 million and the capital Bangkok, is unable to compare. However, Chiang Mai in northern Thailand is still the center of the city and the economic and political center. Chiang Mai is a historic city built in thirteenth Century, there are many historical and cultural relics and temples. Around the city's beautiful natural environment, attracting many tourists from overseas, every year there are about 700 thousand foreign tourists to sightseeing, tourists from Japan as many as 110 thousand people. Compared to the total population and the city, seen many tourists. Therefore, the tourism industry has become the economic center of industrial city of Chiang mai.

引言:清迈市位于曼谷以北700公里处,该市面积为4万平方公里,人口约17万人,实际人口约25万人,是泰国第二大城市,与首都曼谷的650万人相比,是无法比拟的。尽管如此,清迈依然是泰国北部的中心城市和政治经济中心。 清迈又是一座13世纪建造的历史城市,那里有很多历史文化遗迹和寺院。
