摘要:正 曼谷市是亚洲地区城市交通最为拥挤的城市之一,机动车行驶速度低于每小时10公里。为此,曼谷市交通局规划了三项大型公交系统项目,其中之一即快速轨道交通系统该系统为两条高架线路:Sukhumit线全长16.8公里,设17座高架车站;silom线全长6.3公里,设7座高架车站。采用750伏直流电三轨供电制式,运行初期采用3节车编组,2分钟间隔,平均运行时速为35公里,单方向每小时运送客人22,500人次 该项目由德国西门子企业做工程总承包,于1996年10月2日正式动工兴建,计划于本年度内建成并向公众开通试运营,正式 Abstract:Is Bangkok city is one of the most crowded city in Asia city traffic, the vehicle speed is less than 10 kilometers per hour. Therefore, Bangkok City Department of transportation planning three major transportation system projects, one of which the mass rapid transit system in the system for the two elevated lines: Sukhumit line length and 16.8 km, 17 elevated stations; Silom line length of 6.3 km, 7 elevated stations. The 750 V DC third rail power supply mode and initial operation of the 3 train marshalling and 2 minute intervals, the average operating speed is 35 km, single direction per hour transport guests 22500 people the project by the German Siemens company do engineering general contracting, in October 1996, officially started construction, plans for the year built and to the public opening of trial operation, officially 引言:二一「早斧声最亚洲地区城市文)真最为拥挤的琳童镶异;机动车行驶速度低于每小时犯公里蜚卜为沁孰夏各市交通局规韧了宾项天型公交葵醉项断其中之分即快速轨道交通系统,该系玩为两条高架线路‘。U〕。,让线全长丁16.8令里一浮止搏高架丰站、sjlQrn线全长丘,奋黝理又座孟料站 ,泰语论文,泰语论文题目 |