泰国少儿汉语教材中声韵母教学的编写问题及对策探讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:赵强强 ZHAO Qiang-qiang (Global Center for Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China)


出  处:《滇西科技师范学院学报》2017年第4期120-127,共8页Journal of Lincang Science and Technology Normal University

摘  要:泰国少儿汉语教材在编排声韵母教学时,存在较多问题。这些问题教学内容的选择方面,主要体现为对单韵母er、ê、两个-i、部分复韵母和零声母的教学忽略;教学顺序方面,体现为教学主次不分,平均用力。泰国少儿汉语教材编写包括声母韵母在内的语音教学时,要注意区别外语教学和母语教学的不同之处,提高教材编写的针对性和科学性。There are quite a few compilation problems concerning the teaching of initials and finals in the Chinese textbooks for Thai children. For example, there is no teaching of such single finals like er, e and I, nor compound finals and zero initials, and there is no clear teaching focus. This paper proposes that the compilation of the contents concerning the teaching of initials and finals in the Chinese textbooks for Thai children should distinguish the teaching of the mother tongue from the teaching of a foreign language, and should have a dear and scientific orientation.

关 键 词:泰国少儿汉语教材 声母 韵母 语音教学 国别化教材 
