2017年泰国发展回顾 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:陈红升[1] 黄幼霞 Chen Hongsheng & Huang Youxia

机构地区:[1]广西社会科学院东南亚探讨所 [2]广西民族文化艺术探讨院

出  处:《东南亚纵横》2017年第3期12-18,共7页Around Southeast Asia

摘  要:2017年,泰国政治上主要围绕起草新宪法、推进改革及反腐败进行;经济上,泰国总理巴育撤换经济团队,推行经济刺激政策,但经济复苏疲软;外交上,巴育政府积极参与国际事务,力求获得国际社会对泰国局势的理解和支持。In 2017, Thai government and anti-corruption. Economically, Gene po ral litically centered in drafting the new constitution, promoting reform Prayuth replaced his economic team and implemented economic stimulus policies, but economic recovery of the country was still weak. Diplomatically, the military government participated actively in international affairs, taking effort in attaining understanding and support from the international community on Thai situation.
