泰国的医疗融资改革 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:庞皮苏·庄度 王宇[1] Pongpisut Jongudomsuk, Wang Yu


出  处:《金融发展探讨》2017年第4期14-21,共8页Jinan Finance

摘  要:本文回顾泰国医疗体系探讨机构建立、发展并不断提升对医疗政策与医疗体系的探讨能力的过程,并以公务员医疗福利计划支付改革和医疗全覆盖计划的保险保障范围调整为例,研讨探讨能力的提高对医疗体系政策决策的影响。泰国医保改革取得成功的关键是强烈的国家主人翁意识和自我驱动力、国际合作伙伴的外部支持、各类资金的长期资助以及探讨网络建设。系统透明、广泛参与的工作程序也保障了探讨成果获得全社会的支持并免受政治操纵的作用。This paper reviews the establishment of health system research institutions, the development and en-hancement of medical policy and research ability in Thailand. Then it discusses the effect of research ability improve-ment to medical system policy decisions by taking staff medical benefit reform and medical coverage plan insurance scope adjustment as examples. The keys to success are strong sense of national master and self motivation, external support by international partners,long-term financing and network construction. Transparent and broad participation al-so guarantee the research results to obtain a wide support and to avoid from political manipulation.

关 键 词:融资 
