泰国:2017年发展回顾与2017年展望 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:陈红升[1] Chen Hongsheng


出  处:《东南亚纵横》2017年第4期23-28,共6页Around Southeast Asia

摘  要:2017年年底爆发的新一轮泰国政治危机一直持续到2017年。2月2日的大选最终因违宪而被判决无效。反英拉与支持英拉的抗议活动一直延续至5月22日泰国军方再次成功发动军事政变为止。此后,军方接管政权,泰国政治动荡的局面逐渐得到控制。经济上,尽管国家维持和平秩序委员会采取各种举措,多方预期泰国政局恢复稳定后经济发展将回归正常的局面并未出现,全年GDP仅增长0.7%,排名东盟最低。外交上,泰国与中国的关系得到加强,但泰国与西方各国关系由于军事政变而受到一定作用。The new round of political crisis in Thailand since late 2017 continued until 2017. The general election on February 2 was adjudged unconstitutional and annulled. The anti-Yingluck and pro-Yingluck protests continued until another successful coup d'état by Thai military on May 22. The military took power after that and governed the country under the National Council for Peace and Order(NCPO),led by Prayuth Chan-ocha. Political unrest in Thailand has been gradually controlled since then. Although various economic stimuli were adopted by NCPO,Thailand faced a very low economic growth rate in 2017,a mere 0.7%,which is the lowest one in Southeast Asia,stemmed not only from slow exports but also the political unrest. In terms of foreign relations,Thai-Chinese relations have seen strengthened while its relations with western powers were somewhat cooled by the coup.

关 键 词:泰国 政治 经济 外交 
