从泰国Santorini Park看主题公园的规划设计要点 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:宫明军 代香存 GONG Ming-jun, DAI Xiang-cun

机构地区:[1]上海市静安区绿化管理局,上海200042 [2]上海国安园林景观建设有限企业,上海200001

出  处:《中国园艺文摘》2017年第8期132-134,F0004共4页

摘  要:近年来,国内兴起主题公园热,大量各种类型的主题公园在国内各大城市纷纷建设开张,但是这些主题公园的设计粗放,环境面貌也基本上大同小异,缺少特色和主题,进而导致公园的生命力不够长久,泰语论文题目,运营日渐凸显问题,最终逐渐被市场和游客所淡忘。通过对泰国Santorini Park设计和现场实例的略论,研讨主题公园的规划设计要点泰语论文范文,并对当前我国主题公园建设进行反思,希望对今后国内主题公园的设计和建设者有所启发。The domestic theme parks arose in recent years. A large number of various types of theme parks in many cities are constructed. But the extensive theme park design, analogous environmental landscape and the lack of features and themes lead to the short vitality of the parks. Many problems are increasingly prominent during the operation. Finally the park will gradually be forgotten by market and tourists. Through analyzing the Thai Santorini Park design and the scenes, this article probes into the key planning and design points of the theme park, and reflects on the theme park construction in our country in order to provide references for the future domestic theme park design and builders.

关 键 词:主题公园 规划设计 
