东南亚证券投资基金的发展及对我国的启示--以新加坡、泰国、马来西亚为例 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:许林[1] 邱梦圆 Xu Lin,Qiu Mengyuan(School of Economics and Commerce, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou Guangdong 510006)


出  处:《金融展探讨》2017年第8期75-82,共8页Jinan Finance

基  金:教育部高校学科点专项科研基金新教师类资助课题(20170172120170);广东省哲学社会科学“十二五”规划项目(GD13YGL05);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2017ZM086).

摘  要:东南亚国家在社会文化方面与我国具有许多相似之处,泰语论文范文,探讨这些国家证券投资基金展经验,关于我国基金业的发展具有很好的参考借鉴影响。本文选取新加坡泰国马来西亚三个东南亚国家,泰语专业论文,探讨其证券投资基金发展近况,重点略论了三国的基金业发展经验--优化销售服务、发展私募基金、加大税制优惠政策等,最后从推进基金产品创新、完善基金业评价体系、创新营销方式和渠道、改善税收优惠制度等四个方面提出了政策启示。Southeast Asian countries and China have many similarities in societies and cultures, study the experience and lessons in the development process of securities investment funds in these countries, we can get many references in developing the fund industry in China. This paper selected three countries of Southeast Asia: Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia, studied the development status of securities investment fund in this three countries, analyzed their experience in developing the industry: optimizing marketing services, developing private fund and increasing tax pref- erence, and then put forward four suggestions from aspects of product innovation, fund evaluation system perfection, marketing methods and channels innovation and tax preference improvement.
