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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(好男孩)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-06-14
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Abstract:This thesis is based on the studies of family values, individualism and paternalism. In The Croods the relationship between Grug and Eep is a typical relationship of father and daughter. From the perspective of paternalism, Grug loves Eep but seldom expresses himself due to his rigid and tyranny character. In response, Eep comes to follow the nature of individualism to pursue her dreams. Because of the differences in the concept of family values, the conflicts occur frequently and build up increasingly. On one hand, Eep attempts to break through the constraints; on the other hand, the father Grug spares no efforts to return to the cave life and takes the charge of the Croods again. As a result, the relationship goes worse, and there are lots of combat during their journey. However, the Croods has a great happy ending. 

     The purpose of this paper is to briefly analyze the conflicts behind the different family values in the movie, and to explore the causes and the process of the conflicts alleviation. With the help and guidance of those findings, people can learn how to live a happy and harmonious life.


Key words: The Croods; paternalism; individualism; family values; conflicts and alleviation





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Grug’s Affections and Character from Paternalism-3

3.1 Paternalism in the Family Values-3

3.2 Grug’s Character and Affections in The Croods-3

4. Eep’s Affections and Character from Individualism-5

4.1 Individualism in the Family Values-5

4.2 Eep’s Affections and Character-5

5. Conflicts between Grug and Eep-6

5.1 Conflicts on the Affections and Thoughts-6

5.2 Conflicts Alleviation-8


Works Cited-11
