
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:鲁诗语 Lu Shiyu


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第9期174-175,共2页

摘  要:被动句一直以来都是日语学界中的热门话题。为实证被动构式的实际使用状况,本文应用社会语言学的手法,选取日语口语语料库作为考察对象进行了大规模数据略论,日语论文,对日语间接被动表达在不同性别以及不同年龄层的实际使用状况调查结果如下:①日语的日常交流中,间接被动句的使用率约占被动句的十分之一,且男性使用率大于女性。(多间接被动句所使用的谓语动词为及物动词的比例高于不及物动词,且女性比男性更倾向于使用不及物动词。③在20岁至59岁之间,日语论文,间接被动句的使用率男性高于女性。20-39岁男女异同较为显著。40-49岁差距较小。相关于其他年龄层,50-59岁女性并不常使用间接被动句。Passive sentence has always been a hot topic in Japanese learning. To demonstrate the practical use of passive structure, this paper uses the method of socioiinguistics, and selects Japanese spoken corpus as the investigation object to carry out a large-scale data analysis, and summarizes the use of Japanese passive expression in different genders and age groups as follows: ①In Japanese daily communication, the rate of the use of indirect passive sentences is one tenth of all passive sentences, and males use more than females do. ②Transitive verbs are more frequently used as the predicate verbs in indirect passive sentences. ③At the age from 20 to 59, the rate of the use of indirect passive sentences among males is higher than that among females. Gender difference is significant among people of the age of 20 to 39. The difference is small among people of the age of 40 to 49. Compared with other age groups, females of the age of 50 to 59 don't often use indirect passive sentences.

关 键 词:间接被动句 语料库探讨法 社会语言学 性别 年龄层 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
