
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:周燕 Zhou Yan


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第17期179-180,共2页

摘  要:随着中日商务环境的改变和日语语用学的发展,商务日语语用也逐渐受到人们的重视,商务日语的语用内涵得到扩展,在商务活动中商务文化的影响也被广泛认可。然而,当前日语教学受传统教学理念的作用,在商务英日语教学中,往往只重视提高学生的语法能力,而相对忽视培养和发展学生的语用能力,使得大部分学生在生活中不能正确使用日语进行有效的沟通交流。所以,在教学中注重提高和培养学生的语用能力是十分重要的。本文主要从语用能力培养的重要性、商务日语教学的近况和培养日语语用能力的策略等方面进行了商务日语教学中语用能力培养的探讨和略论。With the change of China-Japan business environment and the development of Japanese pragmatics, business Japanese pragmatics has been attached to more and more importance, and its connotation has been extended and the role of business culture has been widely accepted in business activities. However, affected by traditional ideas of Japanese teaching, teachers merely pay attention to the improvement of students' grammatical competence and ignore the cultivation and development of students' pragmatic competence in business Japanese teaching, resulting in many students' failure of correctly using Japanese to carry out effective communications and exchanges in real life. Therefore, it is crucial to improve and cultivate students' pragmatic competence in teaching. From the importance of cultivating pragmatic competence, the current situation of business Japanese teaching and the specific strategies of cultivating Japanese pragmatic competence, this paper studies and analyzes the cultivation of pragmatic competence in business Japanese teaching.

关 键 词:

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
