
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:裴艳霞 Pei Yanxia (College of Foreign Studies, Jiaxing University,Jiaxing,Zhejiang314001 )


出  处:《嘉兴大学学报》2017年第3期127-131,共5页Journal of Jiaxing College

基  金:浙江省教育厅科研项目(Y201733872)

摘  要:现在日语系普遍的教学模式,或许是受能力考试题型的作用,比较注重提高学习者的理解能力(输入),而忽视了学习者的实际应用能力(输出)。通过对词汇题和篇章题相同内容不同题型的试题成绩略论,可以基本上印证这个事实。在外语习得和教学中,"输入""输出"缺一不可,"输入"应在初级阶段强调,"输出"应在高级阶段强调,并要始终注意两者的有机结合,才能获得最理想的教学和学习效果。其具体做法之一是要注意能力考试所带来的负面作用,即在校内教学考试出题时加强"输出"类题型,对学生的学习导向起到纠偏影响。General Japanese professional teaching model nowadays,maybe affected by exam question types,gives priority to improving learners' comprehensive ability(input)instead of their operational ability(output),which can be supported by the scores analysis of different question types of the test."Input"and or"output"are both indispensable,but the former plays a more important role at the preliminary study stage,while the latter at the higher stage.Moreover both should be integrated to obtain ideal teaching and learning effect by paying more attention to the negative impact of Japanese-proficiency tests."Output"-oriented questions should receive more attention in the examinations to prevent the negative effects mentioned above.

关 键 词:试题类型 学习导向 

分 类 号:H369[语言文字—日语]
