作 者:杨豪杰 YANG Haojie ( School of Foreign Languages, Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo315211, China) 机构地区:宁波工程大学外国语大学,浙江宁波315211 出 处:《浙江外国语大学学报》2017年第5期21-26,33共7页Journal of ZHEJIANG Education Institute 基 金:浙江省外文学会2017年专题探讨项目(ZWYB2017012)的资助 摘 要:对日语系学院生学习动机减退原因的探讨发现:动机减退原因主要由“教师能力与教法欠缺”“自我效能感低下”“动机缺失”“外部环境不理想”“学能低下”和“内容过易”等6个因子构成,“自我效能感低下”是造成学习动机减退的首要因子,内部因素对学习动机减退的作用大于外部因素;多元回归略论显示,日语论文题目,“动机缺失”和“学能低下”是动机强度的负向预测因子。In this paper, the factors resulting in demotivation of Japanese majors are studied by exploratory factor anedysis. The research findings are as follows:six factors, i. e. the incapability of the teacher and the lack of teaching methodologies, low self-efficacy, lack of motivation, imperfect external environment, low learning ability, and simple content, are the major attributes for demotivation of Japanese majors, of which low self-efficacy is the most important element. The influence of interned factors on demotivation is greater than the external factors. Multiple regression analysis shows that lack of motivation and low learning ability are the negative predictive factors to the degree of motivation. 关 键 词:日语 学院生 动机减退 探究性因子略论 多元回归略论 分 类 号:H319.3[语言文字—英语] ,日语毕业论文 |